Congressional Tricks 101

Day 1,984, 00:32 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

As one of the nation's longest-serving congressmen, I feel a duty to explain new or uncommon congressional strategy and tricks when I see them.

I'm sure you know by now that the USA has been under PTO (Political Take Over) threat recently by the AFA (American Freedom Alliance). There are plenty of examples of their congressmen making proposals with the intent of harming our country and the AFA has had anywhere between 25-40% of Congressional seats in recent months.

They tried a trick last month I hadn't seen before and they tried it again shortly before reset last night.
See this:

At first glance, it looks like a harmless lulz proposal. Since congressmen get only two proposals per term and they don't carryover into a new term if unused, many congressmen like to propose fun proposals on the last day that are not intended to pass. There are plenty of examples of lulz proposals.

However, consider the timing of the proposal. It was made shortly before reset on Election Day, meaning that both the previous term's Congress and the next term's Congress will be able to vote on it, given that proposals last 24 hours. The trick is that the new term's Congressmen may not immediately realize the proposal is active since they don't get an alert to vote for it (when any proposal is made, the current congressmen all get an alert bell). So it's easier to get something that would normally be a horrible idea passed without people noticing.

This was attempted last month as well, and almost worked.

I know many of you would like the idea of lower income taxes, but our entire budget goes either to our armed forces or to fund Mutual Protection Pacts (MPPs). A significant reduction of tax revenue would have negative effects on our country.

I'm assuming the AFA congressmen proposing and voting on this know that.

And tricks like these are why we need good congressmen. Ready and active to figure out tricks like these.


As of reset, it looks like I have been re-elected into Congress. Thank you all for your support, I greatly appreciate it. Most importantly, it looks like the AFA had their lowest percentage of votes in several months. Thank you all for voting smart.