Chochi for Congress

Day 1,646, 23:57 Published in Canada Canada by Chochi

I might write an actual platform. I might not. Either way it boils down to: vote for me because I'm awesome. The rest is commentary.

Oh, and I'm still an independent but thanks nevertheless to the Military Dictatorship Party for letting me run in the Northwest Territories.

Ok, I've got 5 minutes before I head to bed so here we go.

I've taken a look at my last platform (it's a behemoth, Plugson, if you want to see what happens when I really get going) to see if there's anything in there worth salvaging. I found two law proposals that I wanted to introduce but never found the time.

The first would be a permanent Budget Act. It would outline how we would spend our money on indefinitely rather than require a new budget every month which is pretty much the same as every other month and which doesn't really ever get scrutinised. It'll set out spending proportionately so that it won't matter how much we actually earn in tax money, we'll be able to figure out how to spend it.

Another law would establish a list of allies and enemies. The President could then propose MPPs and embargoes respectively when the appropriate time comes.

Both these laws would keep the work of government turning over every month without prompting. Sure, it's not usually been a problem to get Congress to rubber stamp all these things every month but I don't see the point in just going through the routines of having a discussion every month if they don't actually accomplish anything.

Other changes might be cleaning up more of our existing laws. I kind of know where I'd like to be in terms of our entire legal system one day and I'd like to slowly move us towards that. Maybe I'll have a better idea of possible next steps by next month.

What else is there? The economy? Can't fix it in Congress, though I would like to discuss possible options for spending our CAD and gold beyond the military. As for wars and foreign affairs, NE's are nice, as are oil regions, but if they can't be maintained without harming our allied war efforts, especially with ONE in the up swing, then they're luxuries we can't afford. Still, we can't be self-less indefinitely so if we can't figure something better out I'd most likely vote for an old-fashioned UK NE if we go too long without the ability to gain more True Patriot Medals.

I guess that's all I have for now. Feel free to ask any questions below or in a PM. Thanks for reading (skimming).