Changes to the Military

Day 1,956, 12:33 Published in Denmark Sweden by carlos

I write this addressed to all subjects of the kingdom of Denmark. To allow for greater flexibility and interaction, we will be changing the way the military operates. First of all we have set up an IRC channel on quakenet, called #ArmyDK. This will be the new military channel and will be the new route by which we distribute supplies.

What will happen is that battle orders will be published in this newspaper, and with that, soldiers wishing to be supplied by the Danish Military will log on to the irc channel and make this known. To allow for a coordinated common hit among our forces, there will be two supply rounds every day, at times that have been chosen for convenience but that will be continually assessed. These times are 16:00 and 21:00 Danish time. Each of these rounds will last one hour. If you wish to take part in a common hit and be supplied please be on irc during those hours.

Furthermore, the defense command has increased in size to reflect this change, and the new members will be introduced to you in the next article.

Kind regards,