Candidate for Party Leader? - Rangeley

Day 597, 17:27 Published in Austria Austria by Rangeley

The Social Libertarian Party is growing, but I feel that before it can become a true contender in Austria, we need to set forth a concrete set of proposals. For this reason, I am considering seeking the role of party leader. I have 3 focuses which I believe we should address as a party.

I. Lower taxes. I fully agree with President Lynari's proposal to make taxes fair and uniform across the entire spectrum. The government shouldn't be playing favorites with one industry or another. But where I disagree with the current trend is what this uniform level should be set at - I think it should be lower.

All taxes should be set at a flat rate of 2%. This would allow people to keep more of their money, and mean more of the money they spend goes directly to areas that will help the Austrian economy. Any money taken out of the system, and put into the government treasury, is less money that companies can improve themselves with, less money they can pay their workers with, and less money, ultimately, keeping the economy going strong.

II. Independent Foreign Policy. Some have said that Austria and PEACE are one in the same - but I disagree. Austria is certainly not the largest of nations, but we should not allow this to keep us from doing what is right for our country. Austria should not be involved in foreign wars, and should be incredibly wary of "war games" being held in our country. Though the recent conquering of lower Austria was certainly an accident, its nonetheless a setback for the effort to build the country.

Austria doesn't even have all of its territories back yet. As a party, we should stand for a full return of our territories, and oppose entangling alliances which go beyond our interests.

III. Rename to the Austrian Independence Party. I feel this is a more appropriate name for the party, and one which would make our mission clear. The party should stand for an independent citizenry - one which is not dependent on the government redistributing wealth, and has greater freedom to spend money as it should be spent. It should stand for an independent foreign policy, which puts Austria's interests before PEACE's, and recognizes Austria is much, much more than merely a member of PEACE.

I feel this is a very important step that we need to make as a party, and would gladly fill the role as party leader to facilitate this. However, I would also support (and frankly, prefer) a different candidate for party leader who stands by this platform. For this reason, I will not yet officially enter the race, and would be willing to help the right candidate enter the race, with a monetary donation.