Bristel Akina for Teachta Dala - Dublin

Day 853, 22:23 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bristel Akina

Dia Duit, mo chairde.

My name is Bristel Akina, and I am running for TD of Dublin this 25th under the Independent Voices banner.

I've been a citizen of eIreland for a while now, and I have found it to be a challenging political arena.

I was born on day 744, and I have seen conflict from Asia to Africa, and I know what policies are helpful and which are detrimental.


I forgot to add that inter-party cooperation is what I am here for, and foreign affairs is another top priority for me. I was the eUSA Ambassador to eMexico for a month and a half, so I realize the importance of making friends with other countries, and being open with other countries on what kinds of relationships we benefit from. So I want to thank the eUS Department of State and eMexico especially Marko Aberst of eMexico for being frank with me and the eUS government about the situation between the eUSA and eMexico.

-- My Platform --

I am first and foremost, I am an eIrish citizen, but I was born eAmerican.
This will affect my decisions in the future, but I believe for the better.

I believe in a future that involves the eUSA as a friend and ally.

For a long time, I have been an EDEN proponent, but lately I have been more in favor of picking and choosing those who really appreciate us as a country.

I know for a fact the eUSA is one friend. I know for a fact that eIndia is another good friend.

The continuation of good relations with these countries is one of the most important things I will support and work on.

The hook here is, I don't want peace with the eUK. They have insulted and threatened us time after time, and I fully support attacking Northern Ireland for conquest, even if it fails.

We need a raise in the buzz and in the craic, or we're going, and frankly, have been heading down the tubes into massive exoduses and ragequits due to boredom.

Even a friendly back and forth fight with the eUK is better than nothing. And certainly a better option than a peace treaty. They already dumped us on that and we see how they treat us in their media and our media even though we don't have open battles. Might as well open a new battle and ride the wave.

--The Economy--

I believe in self-sufficiency, but not control over the whole economy, which is why I decline to support Project Lambda or any similar move to control the free markets.

My moves in congress will be determined on my talks with a number of citizens and government officials whose experience eclipses mine in the economic arena.

ie. full disclosure, I am not an economics expert, and I know my way around the economy, but I will not create policy without gathering as much information as I can before pushing a bill or supporting a bill.

--The Future--

I see eIreland participating in the greater scene in the world.

The continued friendship with eCroatia is important, as they are a key member of EDEN and in constant troubles with central European countries. This will bring more battle opportunities to us.

I also want to make it possible for us to region swap with the eUS in France, or with others in eFrance, so we can move freely militarily.

See more on these later, as I will release proposals in the coming days.

--Thanks and shout-outs--

I'd like to make a shout out to Independent Voices for providing me and others the chance to run this election. Thank you very much! I hope we can work together in the future and I'll be there for you whenever I can.

My running would not be possible without Wandering Rian of Eire Aontaithe, and also Sydney Pants and Desarae our PP of EA. Also to Jana Jana for helping me realize that "we are who we are", and for being super supportive of me. Mulţumesc!

I'd like to thank all of my friends from the eUSA and eSouth Africa for being supportive of me, and you'll find my continued friendship and support. Free eSouth Africa!


-BA, Independent Voices & Eire Aontaithe

Forgive typos, for leaving some names out, and for ramblings, I had to type this quickly on a netbook computer, in Canada, in a hotel room... So there are bound to be some mistakes...

Message me if you want to get to know me better! Everyone is welcome to!
