Before you vote.

Day 522, 02:44 Published in USA USA by Zcia

If you haven’t voted yet I have a few requests.

1. Please read the presentations of every candidate in your state. Presentations are crucial for you to understand exactly what direction these potential members of congress believe this country should be heading in. In addition platforms give great clues like; do they use spell check? Do they string together coherent sentences? But I would hope you ignore certain aspects of those platforms like vote count and comments that fail to engage the platform. This shouldn’t be a popularity contest, it is a matter of egovernance and they are your voice in congress.

2. Please ignore the party that the candidates are running under. This probably seems like an odd request considering all the articles that have led up to this election. It is important to understand that the growing sense of party division is largely being constructed by members on both sides. But we need to understan😛

There is absolutely no reason for voting to follow party identifiers in any fashion.

Their ideas should be paramount to nearly everything beyond their propensity to enact them. Vote based on how you want your votes in congress to fall.

If you have voted I have a few more:

1. Demand that your congressperson be active.

2. Watch what your congressperson does and consider how it interacts with their promises.

3. Get involved. Find a party, a unit, a business, a paper, or any other niche you can come up with and make it work.

4. Find a mentor. I took way to long to get involved in this game because I didn’t have someone to show me the ropes. Find someone to show you the ropes.