Basic Information about Fighting

Day 1,673, 10:34 Published in Greece Romania by BARBA AZUL

1. Check your health: You will only be able to fight in a battle if you have 10 health or more. If you do not, you may increase health by two ways: either by eating food, or by using a health kit.

Furthermore, it would be extremely wise to stock up on food to maximize your fights since you can heal at least 100 health for every six hours by default. If you are in a military unit, an amount of food is usually provided to you regularly. If you are a new player, getting involved in your nation's community may give you links to food and maybe even weapons supplies.

2. Buy a weapon: Go to the marketplace and buy a weapon of your choice. You can fight unarmed but it will lower your damage and influence. Daily training will increase your strength. The higher your strength, and the higher your weapon's firepower, the more damage you will deal.

3. Join battle: Click the "Join" button to join the battle. In the case of resistance wars, you must pick a side to join ( "Join Resistance" or "Join [Country]")

4. Select weapon: A weapon is automatically selected for you. If you wish to change weapons you can click the switch weapon button.

5. Fighting for your side: Click "Fight" on the battle screen. You will attack the opposing player and lose 10 health. When the enemy has lost all their health, you will be awarded influence points for your side, and will advance in rank. If there is no fight button, either your country is not involved in the battle, or you are below 20 health.