Avatar Shop

Day 1,753, 09:50 Published in Turkey Turkey by Aranel Elensar

I am preparing custom avatars.. So i wanted to show some avatars i prepared before for some different MU's and groups..

Please PM me ingame if you want me to make a custom avatar for you.

P.S. I apply acceptable prices for avatars.

MU from Turkey Ayyildiz Tim. Frame with different colors are official avatar now.

Some studies for Anarchist Army MU.

Designs for AHI MU from Turkey

Some studies for Foxland MU from Croatia

Avatar and Frame Designs for Lions MU for other game

Studies for TGO MU from Turkey. The middle one is now the official Avatar.

Frame and Banner studies for Libertad MU

Designs for Cerberus MU

Some individual Avatar studies for people from my MU - M.A.D.-

Movie-MADs avatar series

PM me for avatar designs..
