AFA name change?

Day 2,313, 15:31 Published in USA USA by Toto Schillaci

Hello to everyone 🙂

This time I won't wrote in the name of AFA, as I have been doing it twice before, but I will do it in my own name.

After several appeals that were published by AFA, I have read a lot of comments that I had found honest and helpful in order to help me and other players in AFA to understand what is it that we should do so we could get integrated into society. One of the things, which was repeating as the problem for many players, was the name of the party. For them, it still represents the symbol of politics which was declared by nation majority as undesirable and retrograde.

I can understand that. American Freedom Alliance was mostly seen as a party which was only serving for Serbian PTO interests and RGR's interests as well. And it is still seen that way. So I started to think if the name change would change anything.
It would be surely the sign of our party's will to reform itself and make distance from the past. At least I think it should be like that. But who guarantees that it would really be like that? Is there use of name change if people will say that it is old AFA with it's old habits, but only with fresh name?

The conslusion is that just the name change wouldn't be enough, but it could be one of the things which could help for the further integrating. So, personally, I wouldn't have mind to discuss about this topic with other AFA members. But, there is no use to discuss it between ourselves if no-one from the governance structures doesn't want to discuss it with us, together with all the other questions which would be important for resolving all the problems which have been generated in the past.

So, to shorten the story, I call again all the people who have some influence and positions in the leading political structures to open up their minds and let us start negotiations with them. Negotiations which could lead us to epic deal, the deal which could finally close the chapter of the domestic instability caused by the previous misunderstandings between two warring sides.

I hope that you won't judge me because of my loud thinking, whatever side you belong to. I just make some prepositions which could bring up some interesting discussions between us. I search for resolving problems, like I have always done from the time I became Secretary General of AFA. Join me 🙂
