A Nation Gone Rogue

Day 2,145, 11:22 Published in Canada Canada by Randall Flagg 1999

In regards to a recent proposal in our esteemed congress I would like to bring the issue to you, the people.

It has been raised that a menacing power has been growing. This eCountry is rife with division and toxicity; leading to rogue governments and unstable politics. As a result of its actions it has come to be known as a bit of a rogue state,
occasionally leading to military intervention from other countries.

Therefore I propose that now is our time to step up to the international plate and take a stand. Let this rogue state know that even the little guy will not stand for this sort of game play. I of course speak of eCanada.

"Now hold on." some of you will say,"eCanada has never bothered us any." Well to they I answer that there is a higher ethical obligation. When your neighbors house is on fire you don't stand there and say: "Well, it's not my house."
So I put it to you eCanadians, should our government declare eCanada as our Natural Enemy (NE)? Should we let the government of eCanada know that enough is enough?

Crisfire brilliantly has laid down the economic benefits of such a move. The ensuing offensive will allow our weapons and food manufactures to bring in extra money which will in turn help fund the war effort. As well, this will help create a national unity.

And in turn, on the defensive end, the buying of weapons and food will help bring in more money. And will also have the benefit of helping create a sense of national unity. So again, I congratulate Crisfire and will personally nominate him to help lead the attack/defence should such an occasion arise.

So how about it eCanada? Are we up to the task of putting eCanada in it's place?