A Christmas Armistice

Day 4,050, 15:29 Published in USA USA by chickensguys

A Christmas Armistice

This Christmas, like the others before it, we give thanks for many things. We are thankful for our good health, efriends, and allies. However, this Christmas, eUSA is not without its hardship. eUSA has been ravaged by war, months on and off without Congress, a bankrupted country, with few tanks in sight, with bitter grudges and as Saint Nick makes his rounds little will have changed. I write all this sensitive to our good allies in Croatia, Hungary, Albania and others. They have shown to be good allies and reliable friends. But, with every mild success, there remains a greater loss.

The problem with having Balkan allies is that peace has no place in the Balkans. Many so-called patriots will no doubt accuse me of being a craven cowardice traitor but I merely speak the truth. We will not win the war like this. Our options are limited; we seemingly have no choice in our allies. We can keep fighting and experience more of the same, or we could look for other allies but there are none. I want to return to a semblance of normalcy. I see one path; while it remains true we are conquered, we are not without bargaining power. We can be quiet a pain, or we can be quiet cooperative with regards to the occupation. That is why I am once again imploring the executive branch to consider an armistice as a viable and beneficial conclusion to this nearly yearlong struggle. In exchange for 4 regions, ideally Washington DC and the connecting regions from the occupiers and a paltry monthly sum as part of an amicable rental agreement for the remainder of our regions the United States will be cooperative with the de facto holders of our land.

This would not mean we would forsake our allies. It would simply be an acceptance of the reality on the ground. Finally, don’t let them tell you it is impossible. Don’t let them tell you, we must fight on forever losing. Don’t let them shame you for wanting one of the few practical solutions.

Merry Christmas