A big "Thank you" to the citizens of eRomania

Day 1,046, 13:13 Published in Romania Poland by Rzecznik Rzadu

Stimati cetateni ai Romaniei!

Vorbind in numele intregului popor polonez doresc sa va transmit intreaga noastra recunostiinta pentru ajutorul acordat recent tarii noastre. Fara sprijinul dumneavoastra ofensiva nostra lituaniana nu ar fi fost incununata de succes. Ajutorul acordat atat de unitatile militare cat si de populatia civila a fost indispensabil.

Suntem extrem de bucurosi si recunoscatori ca in asemenea vremuri de restriste, avem sprijinul necondintionat al unui aliat pe care ne putem baza.

Speram deasemenea ca aceasta cooperare fructuoasa va avea loc si-n viitor, iar in momentele in care veti solicita sprijinul nostru, Polonia v-a face tot ce-I sta in putinta pentru a va sprijini, asa cum si dumneavoastra ati facut-o.

Presedintele Poloniei, Zucha
Purtator de cuvant, PrismTank

Dear Citizens of Romania!

Speaking for all Poles, we would like to give our deepest thanks for the help you granted us recently. Without Your support, our lithuanian offensive would not have succeeded. The assistance of both battle groups and regular citizens was indispensable.

We are extremely happy and grateful that during times of need we can be sure that such a wonderful ally will aid us.

We hope that our cooperation will be as fruitful in the future as it is now. Rest assured, that whenever you'll require our aid you can always count on ePoland just as we can count on You.

President of ePoland, Zucha
Government spokesman, PrismTank