6th of October

Day 1,782, 00:12 Published in Austria Hungary by II. Jemby

Today is the national memorial day (more precisely in Hungarian: "nemzeti gyásznap" - "national mourning day") of the 13 martyrs of Arad.

Today we remember the sacrifice they made, when they linked their fates to the country they loved and the cause of freedom and justice they adored. Even if they died and their cause was lost, the spirit of the revolution and the war of independence shall pass on from generation to generation and give us direction and moral strength in our struggles.

The names of our martyr generals:

Arisztid Dessewffy (1802 – 1849)
Ernő Kiss (1799 – 1849)
Ernő Poeltenberg (1814 – 1849)
György Lahner (1795 – 1849)
Ignác Török (1795 – 1849)
János Damjanich (1804 – 1849)
József Nagy-Sándor (1804 – 1849)
József Schweidel (1796 – 1849)
Károly Knezich (1808 – 1849)
Károly Leiningen-Westerburg (1819 – 1849)
Károly Vécsey (1807 – 1849)
Lajos Aulich (1793 – 1849)
Vilmos Lázár (1815 – 1849)

The names show us, that although they came from various ethnic groups (Slavic, German even Armenian), they all fought for the cause of an independent and free Hungarian nation, and they chose to join our side despite of the odds and hardships.

If you want to pay your respect to these noble men, you can wear this avatar:

clicky picture

And some folklore: you can find it on Wikipedia that clinking with beer is considered bad manners in Hungary because of the legend explained there (the victorious Austrians generals/military officers celebrated their victory by drinking beer, cheering and clinking their mugs the old German way), but like with many of these little rituals there is an exception; if you say "Vesszen Haynau!" - "Death to Haynau!" you have shown you're a true patriot (even without the medal), and you can clink with your beer.