Day 1,234, 13:33 Published in Japan Japan by ShinigamiTM

Dear fellow eJapanese,

Today we face an threat we knew that it will come some day... Today a zombie apocalypse has started. Our beloved lolicon and master of trolololo who have decided to end his own eLife a few days ago have beed seen wandering around in multiple areas of eJapan. The couse of Yonsil zombiefication is yet to be uncovered however I strongly encourage all of you to stay at your homes. If by any chance you see Yonsil-undead please call our anti-zombie forces :


Do not make an attemt of dealing with Yonsil's wandering corps on your own. You'd risk your life and annal virginity.

Crying of happiness while awaiting for an outbreak

死苦味(Bitter Taste of Death)

(For me it is a bokken 😛 )

something is wrong with pics...