[Wavve] Why did u do that?

Day 1,922, 08:47 Published in India Australia by ShockWavve

I am writing this article not as Minister of education or Party president of India United ,but as a plan ordinary eIndian.

I am a real life Indian Punjabi with family members in down under "AUSTRALIA". So my so called more love for eAustralia can be understood. I am the only person who voted "NO" on CoT referendum only because CoT members are occupying eAustralia. And for this some members called me with some names which were i must say were funny. I had freedom choose a side and i did...........law of Free Country . I always knew that eIndians have made their mind to join CoT but u cant blame me for trying.

Another interesting thing i would like to talk about is "Why I keep on spamming Cadfan , our honorable HoC of yuuva party (i guess i spelled it rite this time), well , Cadfan knows very well what I am asking and to my believe his mentor Mr.Alector knows it too. But people called it a troll and i have no choice but to explain it here even when i didnt wish. Couple of months ago , I was standing for Party president elections , and a certain person approached new members to make certain shouts in the feed . One of such new member was "Hem Sharma" , who used his sense and said no ..............but Cadfan agreed to make those shouts, i dont know if he was promised congress seat or he played dumb ........but he made those shouts regardless of thinking of the outcome..........and i dont blame him for that.......he was used by someone , someone of a great stature in eIndia........so what was in that shouts ??.......shouts was regarding yuuva party members to change party and prevent PTO by voting Xordin in mad monkey party OR VOTING xxxxxxxxxxxxx in India United party. I dont known how was I a PTO threat to eIndia when I am eIndian.........moreover , even when a certified , genuine pto was going in another party , why include a safe party in it??? why jeopardise eindian security??

I asked about these shouts from then Country president "Uvajed" ........his answer was that any shout involving India United party was "Unauthorised".....he had only authorized Anti-Take Over efforts in Mad Monkey Party (now ILF).........But he showed his limitations for any action regarding this.

What happened cannot be changed back, but you guys know me , I am a fun loving person..........why not just ask HoC for action regarding that ? (seriously Cadfan , I am just messing with ya ........dont take it seriously bro)


Another thing I wish to talk about how we treated some genuine peaceful players in the past..........and forced them to leave eindia.

One of such player "Besiktas tk" real life turkish , now eCanadian , started his MU in eIndia along with his friends and stayed in eindia for many months...........his mistake was he got his CS approved by some rouge congressman , so he was directly added to the blacklist.........anyhow , he continued living in eIndia , doing damage for eIndia and I sometimes talked with him on IRC....he seemed a nice guy , just playing his game.
after several months he ran for congress and barely made it to win it. He was , as expected , was kept out of congress disscusion. Towards the end of the term , he accepted a CS of his real friend , which made a uproar in eIndia . I was HoC /Minister of Immigration at that time. I talked with new guy and welcomed him to eIndia ..............hey what I was supposed to do man?..........that new member even wrote a article thanking eindian community for warm welcome.........but sadly Besiktas was upset about the whole thing and left eIndia which was followed by most of his friend including that new member.............

I had to meet him on canadian IRC room..........where he shared his views , which were quiet dissapointing to hear...............and on asking that will he consider coming to eIndia again...........his answer was "NO NEVER ,HELL NO"

Similar treatment Addy lawrance received , who btw came by legal chhannels to eindia. and eIndia lost a bussinessman , a d4 fighter , and India United lost his one the best member.

Think how we treat outsiders brothers and sisters of eIndia...........not everyone is bad .not everyone is a PTOer.

Speaking of PTOer, I would like to ask CS for my buddy "Nova Navid" ..........yeah.......u heard it rite........i am at buddy level with a ptoer


and thank you Hobblit for mentioning me in your article............yuuva guys can relax, I not pulling anything during this term.....may be for next time in near future.

At the end ,as PP of India United