[VOTE]How to save EDEN from destruction + Bulgaria's possible futures

Day 1,567, 10:34 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by DeathBlader


I am sorry to my bulgarian brethren,but this is provided to be an international article,so there will be no bulgarian translations,sorry again : /

In the very begining,a few days ago,I had the idea to write a huge wall of text,about all the good expirience we had in EDEN,so I would at least help at saving the remains,but because we will have a refferendum really soon,Bulgaria's leaving from EDEN became inevetiable,so I decided rather to write the probable ways for saving the rest countries of EDEN from leaving.

Here are my suggestions:
- This is a Brotherhood,do you know what a Brotherhood means??All the brothers (and sisters if there are women CPs ; ) ) are absolutely equal,so why does EDEN has an HQ?!?If they are equal THERE SHOULDN'T BE ANY HQ TO COMMAND,BECAUSE THIS AUTOMATICALLY REMOVES EQUALITY!!!My main suggestion is that only CPs,that have ABSOLUTELY equal votes can decide.Example😮ne is giving a suggestion,and everybody votes.That's all,it's not so hard.
- I also suggest that in the future a country's veto must be respected at all cost...
- I suggest that there CAN NOT BE any other presenters,that are not presidents - this will prevent many "fail" voting,where a presenter votes against the will of his CP/country.
- Noone to be kicked out of the alliance unless there aren't any real evidences and a DIRECT WAR DECLARED!!!
- No "suspensions" unless there are at least 3 evidences proving the guilt and all members (except the one being "judged") and to be accepted with 100% vote,not a percent less...


And about our possible futures,here are they in percents,by my own calculations:

-Bulgaria joining ONE - 27%
-Bulgaria establishing a new alliance in help of ONE - 54%
-Bulgaria establishing a new alliance in help of EDEN - 39%
-Bulgaria establishing a new neutral alliance - 76%
-Bulgaria establishing a new alliance fighting Turkey no matter what - 91%
-Bulgaria leaving EDEN and staing neutral - 51%
-Bulgaria leaving EDEN and attacking Turkey without allies - 9%
-Bulgaria staying in EDEN,no matter that they insulted us so much and treated us badly,disrespecting us and our veto and even suspending our rights on our national liberation day - 1%

Truly yours,DeathBlader (Stoian)
Have a nice day

P.S. If you find any mistakes in my english,please PM me,I am deeply sorry if I have mistakes somewhere,but I haven't spoken english in a while...