[URM] Embassy of Lithuania in Sweden

Day 2,626, 16:50 Published in Lithuania North Macedonia by Uzsienio reikalu ministerija

Hello Lithuania,
Today we will publish the report of the Lithuanian Ambassador in Sweden in English and Lithuanian. The series Lietuva ir Pasaulis will be published in the end of the week or beginning of the week due to the constant changes on military module. Enjoy!

Report from the Embassy of Lithuania in Sweden

As we all know, Resource Wars turned on the heat in almost all countries in eWorld. Sweden isn’t an exception.
Sweden took over their lands (except Bohus) from us and Italy. Also Swedes were helping us to hold off against Poland, which went quite well.
For yesterday and today Swedes got battle orders from their Ministry of Defence (TSM). Swedes two days ago got information, that they should help Norway and forget about fighting in our territories. Looks like priorities changed and now they’re fighting in Sudovia.
Sweden at the moment of writing report is in 19’th place by points in Rankings.

Few days ago the President of Sweden Jock Cranley launched two articles: A report about situation in and around Sweden and information about TW with Lithuania because of Resource Wars.
In first article there was a lot of information about some things, for example Finland (that they’re ready to help Sweden when the opportunity will show up) , Asgard (Alliance of two countries - Norway and Sweden), TSM + SOG (which is the largest MU in Sweden. There’re some information, that SOG will leave TSM and a new MU will be created for their Ministry of Defence (TSM)) and about wars in Northern Countries (which is Norway, Sweden, Finland and Ireland (which is connected to Norway because of their TW))
In second article President mentioned, that population of eSweden is growing. It was holding about 630-650 and when article showed up, it was 702. Now they have 706 still active players. Also the President wrote, that Sweden is going to launch a TW (Training War) with Lithuania

Picture took from: http://www.president.lt/en/press_center/press_releases/president_secured_swedens_support_for_joint_energy_projects.html

Political situation
Looks like communists are going quite well even here, in eRepublik.
Now there are two communistic parties in Sweden: Arbetarepartiet MSAP and Sveriges Kommunistparti. First one is older and they’ve got two places in elections of Congress in January. Second one is quite new.
The largest party of Sweden, Flashback Sweden changed up their PP. In December, they elected NorrlandsPrins, and now they chosen Cmurgh. He won against NorrlandsPrins only by one point.
Of course, other parties chosen their PP’s also, but they’re smaller than Flashback Sweden.
Sweden also chosen a new president, Jock Cranley. He also won elections in November.

Sweden is growing up, Resource Wars made country active. That’s really good, because this country wasn’t very active, when it was occupied by Lithuania and Italy.

Ambassador of Lithuania in Sweden.

Lietuvos URM skirta ataskaita.

Kaip kad visi žinome, Resursu karai padidino karšti beveik visose ePasaulio valstybese. Šioje situacijoje Švedija nera išskirtine.
Švedija iš musu ir italu atsieme beveik visas savo teritorijas (išskyrus Bohus). Taip pat jie bande mums padeti gintis nuo lenku, kas sekasi gan neblogai.
Švedijos gyventojai taip pat gavo ir ju Gynybos Ministerijos (TSM) nurodymus, skirtus 2625 ir 2626 dienoms. Jiems buvo nurodyta padeti Norvegijai ir pamiršti apie musu teritorijas. Bet atrodo, jog ju prioritetai pasikeite, kadangi jie jau kaunasi Suduvoje (Sudovia).
Straipsnio rašymo metu šaliu galios reitinguose Švedija yra 19-oje vietoje.

Prieš kelias dienas Švedijos prezidentas Jock Cranley išleido du straipsnius: ataskaita apie situacija Švedijoje ir aplink ja bei informacija apie TW su Lietuva del Resursu karu.
Pirmame straipsnyje buvo nemažai informacijos net apie keleta dalyku, pavyzdžiui Suomija (Pranešama, jog jie yra pasiruoše padeti Švedijai vos tik prireikus pagalbos), Asgard (Aljansa, kuri sudaro vos dvi šalys - Norvegija ir Švedija), TSM + SOG (kuris yra didžiausias Švedijos karinis burys (MU). Pasklido informacija, jog SOG atsiskirs nuo TSM ir tam, kad trukstama grandis butu panaikinta bus sukurtas naujas MU.) ir apie karus Šiaures šalyse (kurioms priklauso Norvegija, Švedija, Suomija bei Airija, kuri šiuo atveju yra surišta su Norvegija del ju sutarto TW).
Antrame straipsnyje Švedijos prezidentas paminejo, jog pastebetas Švedijos populiacijos augimas. Švedijos žaideju skaicius anksciau balansavo tarp 630 ir 650, taciau Prezidento ataskaitos išleidimo metu buvo užfiksuoti 702 žaidejai. Šiuo metu ju jau 706.

Politine situacija.
Panašu, kad net ir eRepublik žaidime komunistams sekasi.
Šiuo metu Švedijoje yra dvi komunistines partijos: Arbetarepartiet MSAP (kas išvertus butu Darbo Partija) ir Sverige Kommunistparti (Švedijos komunistu partija) Pirmoji yra senesne ir jau turi dvi vietas Sausio menesio Švedijos parlamento (Riksdag) rinkimuose. Antroji partija yra ganetinai nauja.
Flashback Sweden, kuri yra didžiausia Švedijos partija pakeite savo PP. Gruodi jie išrinko NorrlandsPrins, o per pastaruosius rinkimus išrinko Cmurgh. Prieš pastaraji NorrlandsPrins pralaimejo vos vienu balsu.
Aišku, kitos partijos taip pat išsirinko savo PP, taciau jos mažesnes, nei Flashback Sweden.
Švedai išsirinko ir nauja prezidenta Jock Cranley, kuris taip pat prezidentu išrinktas buvo ir lapkricio menesi.

Švedija auga, o Resursu karai ja paverte aktyvia. O tai yra ganetinai gerai, kadangi ji nebuvo tokia aktyvi kai mes su italais buvome musu kaimyne užeme.

Sukure Lietuvos ambasadorius Švedijoje mindebuc.

Thanks for your attention,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania