[UKRP] Let's Rock Congress!

Day 2,011, 23:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by LongShotzZ

Hey there guys,

First of all I'd like to apologise for the lateness of this article, last month as most of you may remember was a complete flop as we had high expectations running with two other parties we thought could rake in the votes. This month, however, is a different story, sadly we didn't manage to gain support from any smaller parties and as a result of this I reckon that we should only be expecting to get 4 seats, as we did last month. I hope that the list contains a good mix of newer and older players who will see us well within congress, so here's the list:

1. Nicoli Pace - Since his arrival he has been getting fully involved, I believe he has a good understanding of current politics and therefore deserves the top spot.

2. Dishmcds - Offers vast amounts of political experience and has recently been getting into the game with full swing. A solid second choice.

3. Dnouser - Has been playing eRep for ages meaning he has bucket loads of experience and he is also consistently active. More than worthy of the number three spot.

4. p00kachu - He is full of enthusiasm and always does what he can to get involved with the political side of the game. He is also extremely active and is deserving of the number four spot.

5. Cygnus X1 - He is always politically involved in the game and has not been in congress for a number of months now. His political experience makes him worthy of a top five spot.

6. Schmidt Bogdan - Since his arrival he has always been trying to get involved with the party in any way possible.

7. Henry Pfeiffer Arundel - Has already been becoming IRC and forum active to help get involved with the party, he is an extremely new member who has a lot of respect. He is a good choice for seventh.

8. Frerk - An older player who is full of experience and helps to progress the party with his input and wisdom.

9. Sir Humphrey Appleby - Another older player who is highly active on IRC and the forums and is also one of our wiser members.

10. Kapten Johnson - He has been in congress previously and requested to be a reserve this time round so that newer members could have a crack at congress.

11. Ryan I - He is enthusiastic and energetic and always tries to get involved with politics.

12. Sean the Scot - Runs for congress and PP every month without fail making him consistent and worthy of not being at the bottom of the list.

13. Libs21 - Nobody really knows much about this hermit...

14. Rosemary Boxer - Another player that lives under a rock somewhere...

Anyways that concludes the list, please leave a comment and a vote as well as subscribe of you haven't already. I wish all the parties good luck tomorrow in the congressional elections.

Yours sincerely,