[UKGov]Weekly Business news

Day 1,141, 03:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Department for Education

State of the Markets Report - 04/01

Being an overview of the domestic eUK markets in the past week

No Admin changes last week. The biggest news in the UK markets was the devaluing of GBP around the 27th-Dec, this had an almost immediate lowering on raw material prices forcing most UK companies to fire workers/lower wages to remain profitable. The knock on effect was last seen in the lower GBP price of manufactured goods, with the higher volume sellers - food - slowly coming down over the last few days.

Current company bonuses
Iron +25%
Oil +25%
Food +10%

Wages - Up
eUK Wage History

1: Raw company’s offered migration
2: 25% citizen owned company bonus introduced
3: Weapon company's merged/Titanium deleted
4: Gold devalued
As you will have noticed wages are down in GBP but in gold value wages are up over the week.

UK skill 9 wage comparison (g)
- UK 0.49
- USA 0.60
- Canada 0.57
- Ireland 0.52
- Poland 0.69
- Serbia 0.59

Raw Price History

Weapons - Up
Still fairly useless, unless you’re planning on fighting the maximum amount of times with food, and still want (and can afford) to increase your influence. The most economical way to fight is to use food to replenish your wellness; if -and only if- you’re using the maximum 300 and you still want to do more damage, buy only the highest Q weapons.

Over the past week,
- Q1 weapon prices have risen slight despite the change in gold value, with higher Q weapons unchanged
- Best price for 100% influence bonus with weapons (equivalent to 1 fight with no weapon) = 0.25g – 0.28g (Global best - 0.22g)
- Comparison cost of 10 wellness with food = 0.11g – 0.14
- Weapons under Q3 have a 100% influence bonus cost of over 0.5g, which actually makes the Health Kits a cheaper alternative.

Food - Up
Prices (GBP) are slowly going down. Wellness/gold today is still very low at 80.
Weekly average of 81 wellness/gold, down from the end of last week (84)

Wellness/gold comparison (based on Q1 food only - API still not working)
- USA 88
- Canada 84
- Ireland 85
- Poland 84
- Serbia 79

Unchanged, they remain a cheaper alternative to food in recovering wellness above Q2.

Moving Tickets
Lots more company's offering Q1 tickets has started bringing the prices down. Q2/3 remain the same.

Expect wages/prices of manufacturing goods to come down in line to there relative value in gold if the exchange rate remains unchanged. The MoF is however working on bring the ratio back to 0.025 or 1g/40GBP.

The data used to compile this report is available here and here plus erepublik-market.