[UKGov]Business news

Day 1,156, 04:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Department for Education

Good day gentlemen’s and especially the ladies, and jamesw,

I will start with a small announcement, no fancy graphs today because something has gone totally wrong the last week. I think it’s not possible to give a good view on the state of the markets at the moment because the market today is a different market than those a week ago. If people want to see the figures, contact me, otherwise next week I will hope to give you a full update on the prices.

So what has happened? In short everything went crazy. Wages where down, a lot. Gold has done a chachacha and food has doubled, weapons tripped and grain has done something I cannot translate. In fact at the moment you are paying more than last week, you earn less and I hope you have gold and no GBP in the accounts. Yes ladies, and Mr. Woldy we are in a world of inflation!

A couple of days ago everything was just fine. Grain was at an all time low of 0.06 GBP, food was around 0.6 GBP for Q1 one and weapons could be found for around 5GBP. This was a good world. Wages where down, but so where the prices of goods. But than something strange has happened. Grain started to disappear from the market. I don’t have the exact figures but on day 1153 and probably before this, more than 25.000 units of grain has been bought up. You can feed the whole eUk with this. And because of the high demand prize was up until 0.11 GBP. To be honest, I was a little bit scared at that moment. I was thinking about economical warfare, I was starting to reopen government run grain companies and was running around as a headless chicken…A headless chicken?

Indeed, if things are going wrong in this game, don’t blame the Minister of Trade, even don’t blame TUP, just blame the admins. And indeed, when food prices were up from 0.6 to 1 GBP for Q1 and from 2,5 for Q3 to 3,8 GBP at the moment we all got a little message from an old friend.

Indeed that old bastard was buying up a lot of products. This has been a good thing in one way. Company owners have gotten around 50.000 GBP and most likely even more buy selling all there products. The problem is, this kind of demand is artificially. When Plato dies, the demand dies with him. So people who are starting to produce more, opening new companies, giving boosters, employing high skilled workers be aware that you are selling to a nonexistent buyer. We all know that Greeks are not that well with money….

But let’s look at the bright side. Because of this new demand the fall in wages is over. At least for the high skilled players. As predicted last week (for 5 gold I predict you’re future) the low skilled players will not be very popular but the high skilled players will. With the current low wages for all skills you can better employ a skill 8 for around 10 than a skill 4 for around 5. They produce a lot more and because of the high Platodemand you sell everything. Again I think this is temporally because the Platobuying has done something completely different, it has giving us inflation like told before. Now Inflation means prices go up, meaning you need more currency to get the same thing. In terms of wellness:
Today you pay 0,5GBP for wellness. A week ago you were paying around 0,38GBP. Please don’t panic about this. Inflation is not always a bad thing to have. At the moment I’m a little bit concerned. Because of the monetary politics of this country gold/GBP has changed a little bit. A long long time ago you could get 1 GBP for 0.029 gold. Today you only need 0.025 and sometimes even 0.023 gold for 1 GBP. This means mass inflation! For 1 gold I can get 40 GBP! People who are exporting are very happy with this. On a domestic base this could lead to even more prices because we have more GBP going around in the system.

I would like to announce yet another problem. With the current wages(8,3 GBP average) you can buy 16,6 wellness. A week ago you could buy 26 wellness…Normally when wages go down, products follow and vice versa. If wages are down, products not someone is keep the profits…I’m neither a socialist, nor a communist but I’m not very happy with this. Especially because some people in the raw material sector are making huge profits. In grain people are making up to 10 GBP profit every day on almost every skill. Again I’m not against profits, but with the current grain prices the food industry loses his possibility to export. And in the long term the consumers lose there money and will stop buying products.

On a side note, the communist party rocks on while the capitalist party is getting a huge boost. Official decided by Plato, you can own as many companies you want and you can work in them for only 10 health. Meaning you can work in 30 companies every day, producing cheap products. For only 5 GBP you can work as a manager, meaning you can sell with almost unlimited profits. As stated last week I’m not against this new feature, but I advise people to use it with caution. No market without buyers!

If you have any questions about the markets, about exports, about running a company or you just want a date, feel free to contact me, Master Hofkens. Ow and last, but not least, the big ‘witch food do you need to buy’ figures.

Q1 0.5
Q2 0.5
Q3 0.57333333333333
Q4 0.49875
Q5 0.597

Please do buy Q4 food if you are smart!

That’s all folk’s

Master Hofkens,