[UKGov]Business news

Day 1,149, 01:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Department for Education

Market Watch

Let’s start with the graphics. Food is very important because every citizen needs to eat daily food. That’s simple. They can chose between five Q levels and from experience we know that they don’t look witch Q is the best to buy. We try to give people daily advice about this but the has only a small impact.

This is the graphic for food. We can notice some small things. Q1 and Q2 food, the best food to buy, is down a little bit. This means we have a lot of competition going on in this sector. This means the wellness/GBP rate for these products is very good. Q3 is the food in highest demand and was very expensive. But we see it’s going down at the moment. Al those goods things are being undone by the raise in Q5 price. This is the food used by tanks and at the moment this is not the best food to buy. If we count this al together the average wellness/GBP rating has not changed.

Let’s look at this more closely. For 0,33 GBP you can get one wellness if you buy Q2 food. On the other hand if you buy Q5 food you need 0,45 GBP to get the same amount of wellness. You lose a lot of GBP this way. The best food to buy is most of the time Q2 or Q1. For people who have access to foreign food supply let’s have a look at this in gold.

Thanks to the devaluation of the Gold price you can buy one wellness for around 0.01 gold. This means only 0,10 gold for one fight. Very cheap I think. Can we go cheaper I hear you say? For this we need to look at the raw materials and those don’t look very active.

Grain is at the moment 0.08GBP and I don’t think this can go any lower. Stone and Oil has more supply than demand, I think it can go lower. Iron is something difficult, if we get some more wars this can go up some more but we all know a certain player is buying up iron companies. Because we have high oil and Iron it can be wise to export. I give you the gold price for both of those unites but not at the exchange rate of 0,028 GBP but the special exchange rate company owners can get if they contact the Bank of England.

Oil 0.00175 gold
Grain 0.002 gold
Iron 0.00175 gold
Stone 0.00275 gold

Alright that about the products. We also look at the wages. For people interested, we monitor all the different wages for all the skills. But in the end most people are around the same skill. Skill 7 for newer people, skill 9 for older people.

So if we look at this all we can see some strange things. Skill 7 is at the moment down, skill 9 is up. The average wage is not moving a lot. But again we need to remember the gold currency has changed. In gold :

Indeed in gold we are becoming poorer. This means that at the moment we are giving the companies more changes to compete abroad, but at the moment the people does not yet see this in higher wages. I think that as more companies start to export we can see a raise in high skill wages. The eUK market is a small market. If we export to let’s say Serbia we could use some more productivity. This means higher demand for high skill players!

Let’s look at the buying power of people. As stated above a lot of people are between skill 7 and skill 9. What can they buy with their wage? They could buy 43,6 wellness if they bought the food with the best wellness/gbp ratio. This means only 2 fights without weapons. This was on 6/01/2011. Today they can buy 44,2 wellness. If they buy the current best priced food. This means still two fights but indeed we have seen that the buying power of people is going up. This is the local buying power. In Gold we have a different story but not that much people are buying abroad.

Admin Watch

Something beyond my control is the things the admin do. They have create a new rule about taxes, don’t worry about this my dear people, keep calm. They have also introduced the new rule that every company owner can work one time in a company they own. Panic!!!
No please don’t do that. I suggest keep calm. Don’t buy all the companies from the market in the hope to supply yourself. The startup cost is 20 gold for a level one company. An export license cost you the same. If you really want to help this country and to built for a brighter future do this.
We can give you free advice about where to export to.

That’s all folks,

Master Hofkens