[UKGov]Business news

Day 1,147, 07:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Department for Education

How to calculate youre profit?

As a business owner you only have one single purpose and that is to make money. You give work to people, you buy raw materials and you sell goods. But how do you know you are doing it right?

In the new world everything is based on formula’s. Every worker has a skill, every worker has a wage and every sector has his own formula to determine how much you produce. So take a seat and we will have a look at the formula.

Productivity = A * (3.6 + (B * 0.4)) * C * (1 + ((Bo+R+Co)/100)) * 8
• A: Employees multiplier
• B: Skill level
• C: Health multiplier
• Bo: Citizen's booster in percent
• R: High region boost
• Co: Citizenship bonus of 25% if applicable.

So say again this is a simple game! Luckily for you I’m here to help you. You only need to have a Gmail account or to own excel. When you follow this link you will find a basic spreadsheet. You can chose to edit it in the internet, but I advise you to copy it to a spreadsheet you own. This way you can be assured nobody has been messing around with the formula’s. Use the secure spreadsheet when you have doubts.

At the moment it’s only for food, raw materials is much easier so I think you can do this with the help of spreadsheet, but I could create one if needed. I also have left the boosters out of this because not a lot of people are using them.
So how does it work? Simple. Let’s say you are a Q2 food producer. Then you just fill out Q2 in the right box.

After that we need to number of workers inside the company at the moment. Just fill this out. In the next box you will need to fill out the cost of raw materials. If you don’t know this, look at the market. For grain this will be around 0.08 GBP and 0.09 GBP.
In the example we have 8 workers and we bought grain for 0.08 GBP.

This was easy! A lot of people will ask, why doing this in Gdocs and not with a web based calculator? I will answer this with a question: Would you like to fill out the next step every day?
The next step is to fill in all the information about you’re workers! If you do CTRL+A while standing in the Gdoc and after that you create your own Gdoc you can save all those pieces of information. Time is money! If you don’t like to create your own Gdoc, please feel free to use this one but be aware that the information will not be saved.

So for the next step you need to fill in the wellness, the skill and the wage of your worker. The skill is nut the name(Guru,Master) but the corresponding number, so 8 or 9. The wage is the wage you pay them, not the wage the workers earn after the taxes.

In the example we have 8 skill 7 workers with all of them 100 except one.

If you fill out everything in the green fields, the formula will create everything in the red screens! If you think something is wrong with the formula’s when you use the shared Gdoc, just go to the secure sheet and copy to information to the editable sheet. Some people like to mess with the formula’s! Please don’t do this.

We can see how much they produce and how much it cost you in GBP per unit. This is important because you want to sell it! In the example you will make profit if you sell above 1.3 GBP for one unit of Q2 food. Just put up the offer in the market and hope someone buys you’re products!

Let’s have a last look on wellness and workers. Worker 8 has only 35 wellness, but has the same wages as all the other workers. He is producing at a higher cost than them. Don’t fire this guy, just sent him a PM, tell him to get his wellness up!

For people who think the eUK market is not enough, I have put in a small exporting calculator. Simply fill out all the information in the green fields and you will see the results in the red fields. For information about import taxes just look at the country stats of the country you would like to export to. For currency I advise you to look at this erepublik-market. For people who obtain a lot of gold by exporting you can contact the Bank of England. They are selling GBP below the current exchange rates

If you have any questions about running a company, exporting or anything else just contact me,
Master Hofkens or just sent a message to this org.

MoT team