[UK] Living without buttons: A month in the life of Kim Jong Un.

Day 3,705, 18:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street

After a few frantic days, I have just about got used to living the North Korean way, and governing without buttons. Before I go into the details of what has happened, I'd first like to go on record as thanking Dave Trenga and Huey George, who have been replying to my constant badgerings as I tried to get a grip on things and put in place some semblance of governance whilst we enjoy being zubrei'd.

Suffice to say, after some discussions amongst ourselves, I took it upon myself to go about letting the world know that we may or may not have accidentally elected a list of people who didn't want to, or couldn't, be President. After that, I took steps to reassure our allies and existing MPPs, as well as begin continuation talks based on some solid work done last month by Nomad. Basically, over the last few days a lot has gone on, but essentially I'll tl;dr it down for you, lest you strain yourselves with the effort of reading glorious walls of emboldened text

- No-one else in congress volunteered to do anything, so this zubrei just turned into a delightful, bold loving jamesw.

- The American President returned our taxes of the last 7 days in accordance with the agreement signed last month, and agreed to begin talks with me about how this can progress in the future.

- Our allies are aware of our button-less plight and will be proposing MPP renewals as and where possible - some MPPs may change as we re-open direct relationships with old friends, and make some new friends.

- As we are running under an unelected government, I have outlined all the plans (based on a continuation of last months policy) and will be presenting this to congress to discuss, and then for the public to view. This will essentially outline everything I hope to achieve this month.

- MPP discussions with various new partners are ongoing, and we're looking at also refining our existing MPPs to reflect our lack of firepower (ie: signing for defence, with countries that can, and will, help us to defend ourselves)

- We did our best to help our pals Switzerland land their Airstrike against Sweden, despite it failing we still got a nice little shoutout here.

- Some BP moron proposed an NE against Ireland (vote no, obv), and then invited us all to quench our thirst for penis by endulging on his. A secret ballot has just been completed, with an astounding 0-9001 result in favor of rejecting said pleb's offer of a sausage to nibble on.

That's pretty much everything that's gone on so far. As I'm not just acting CP, but also heading up the MoFA, I'll be releasing an MoFA article outlining some of the happenings in wars and outlining alliance structures later on tonight, keep your eyes peeled!

Much love, from your de-facto dictator