【TUP】A derp, a merge and a gaping hole

Day 3,649, 07:11 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

As no-one else has come out, I thought I may as well tag on a little response to a derp that someone in TUP may or may not have dropped. First and foremost, I think the biggest thing we need to appreciate; we are far too busy enjoying our bubbled existence to really think about delving into UKPP. Minus the odd ATO here and there, when we've helped PCP, UKRP and even UKPP, TTUPUPP (The TUP Unity Party Party) members rarely dare to risk the outside world. The only time we've ever been in UKPP was when we were asked to help out-vote this billend. TUP did basically found then sit in ESO for a while, but that was a group of us who got annoyed at Keers - outside of this, I can't really think of any TTUPUPP members who've sat in the outside world.

I am all for credit being given to TUP, when we aren't hibernating we're legit awesome, but our inactivity is the worst kept secret in the world. So yeah, Madelina derped and lost it and got in touch with Harambe, but I can pretty much guarantee even if Harambe was on the ballot on the 15th, we wouldn't be voting there.

The reason is incredibly simple. Moving a party to vote is 6 clicks. 6 clicks. Please do not do us the disservice of complaining about how inactive we are, and then assume we're going to 6click - I'd probably be overlord of the world if we could get people 4clicking, nevermind 6. So yeah, stuff has died down (because we're all hovering above edeath anyway,) but I hope this draws a line in the sand. Ignoring the fact we'd have no interest in interfering in another party anyway; I hope no-one will forget just how apathetic the vast majority of TUP members are should things like this come up in the future.

Seeing as I majestically namedropped PCP and ESO above, the following segue now makes perfect sense, and the above is in no way a disingenuous way to build into something else, I promise. The main thing I want to mention is pretty simple: PCP, ESO and TUP have a long history. From the moment I started playing the game, 【UK-Left】did some pretty cool stuff. This one time we had 70% of congress. This other time we won CP elections for 9 consecutive months. This one time we also may or may not have started the whole anti-oldfag thing, which ironically is now used against us: but then immitation is the best form of flattery. As well as that, the history of ESO is intrinsically linked with TUP: because it was founded by TUP members, for people who would've joined TUP not for the bearded one.

So yeah, cards on the table, PCP: stop floating outside the top 5 and merge with TUP. Whenever I'm PP I bring stuff up, and there's hesitation and discussion, with lots of positive feedback, but no results. Enter us. We're way cleaner than Wayne, I promise.

ESO: You're literally, without being obtuse in any way, my child. The whole ethos of the party was a rejection of the direction TUP took at that time; a direction that we nailed up and buried when the bearded one ascended into the next level of dastardly.

TUP will never die, and we'll probably never really ever drop below the top spot: we're apathetic, but not to the point of self-destruction. I don't propose a merger for the pure basis of numbers; we've been above and beyond any other party for months, and I doubt that will be changing this side of the day Plato turns the lights off. But what we do need, is an impetus and a group of people who is willing to pull their weight: a party can't just rely on a core group of a few people who do stuff, whilst others tread water and sit in the chairs of power.

So yeah, I've brought this up constantly in private, but it's time to come clean - we've got a hungry, gaping hole. Come fill it.
