[Titu] Hello, eUK!

Day 486, 14:01 Published in United Kingdom USA by Titu Maiorescu

Dear eUK citizens

First of all, I want to say hello to all readers of the eUK media and to all of you eUK citizens. This article is the first action of my stay in the eUK, which I hope it will be a lengthy and successful one.

Who am I? I am a former 2 term eRomanian President, former Prime-Minister (in eRomania, something like a Vice-President), former Minister of Foreign Affairs, 7 times Congressman, ambassador to a number of countries, admin of Romanian community forum, active soldier, general manager and everything else that is associated with the New World.

Why am I here? I have been inactive for quite a while, especially around the date V1 was launched and several months after that, but I have started to reactivate myself lately, first by going into the military module and ranking up, then by reactivating my old empty companies to produce the resources I needed to sustain my military ascension. Now I am looking forward to bring my old self into action, as my specialty should be the socio-political module. I am eager to meet new people, even in online settings, and I have already been acquainted with a large part of the current eUK government, and with many of the past leaders of this country. I have chosen to move out of my country because I wanted to come across a new environment, as I felt that back home the same people were up there taking care of the well-being of eRomania (successfully, I wouldn't dare to say otherwise), and I have selected eUK as my destination because it's an English speaking country, it is driven by fresh blood and because of SaraDroz, a person with whom I've been chatting quite a lot lately and seems to be an astute ecitizen. Also, it comes to my attention that eUK is a great hub for welcoming internationals, both as nations (I am thinking of Croats, Baltics or even Maltese) and as individuals (Shadow, Dish, Jerry are the most prominent examples I can think of). Last but not least, I feel that the eUK is a good place for me to start a personal project I've been thinking of a lot lately, a project that deals with the distinction between RL politics and epolitics, between consecrated doctrines and edoctrines. Oh, and your market sometimes has cheap weapons...

So, why am I telling you this? What am I to do next? As already stated above, I am looking forward to come across undiscovered characters, to help new players, to share the wisdom of a 14-months old player, to exercise my editorial skills and to try to contribute a little (or more) to the all-around elife of this people - it is scientifically documented that, counter-intuitively, older people are pretty high on creativity skills - maybe this goes for eRepublik as well.

Please, do not hesitate to add me as a friend or ask for my MSN via PM, as I am looking forward to a long-term relationship (no, not like marriage, a tad better).

Titu Maiorescu

P.S.: notice to my non-UK (mostly Romanian) subscribers - I will do my best to be as informative and entertaining as ever before - even more - so please remain subscribed for quality articles.

P.P.S.: I hope to receive some lukewarm welcome in the eUK.

P.P.P.S: I am still holding office as eRomanian ambassador to eSweden, but only until they find someone to replace me with.