[ORION] Weekly Damage Report 1

Day 3,164, 01:00 Published in Cuba Iran by Janty F


today, I bring you another episode of ORION Weekly damage report. Once all the details get settled, it will be hopefully published from the official org. But for the meantime, it will be published from these news.

When you compare the graph from this week with the previous week, you will notice that this week, ORION increased its damage by approximately 20,000,000,000 . Since it is over 9000, I think we can be pleased with this result. Lithuania still remains the biggest damage dealer, dealing almost 39 % of ORION damage.

On the next graph, we see the damage of individual citizens of each country, compared to ORION average. Situation is, once again, similar to the previous week - Lithuanian citizens are still fighting against the Latvian oppresors, and they are very successful at doing so. Cuba is still slightly above ORION average. Canada and France also improved their averages, leaving Netherlands in the last place.

The last picture shows TOP10 ORION players in each division. D1, D2 and D4 are mostly in French or Lithuanian hands, while Cuba dominates D3. However Netherlands and Canada also have some good players on top!

Next week, I will also bring you the first glimpse of my new ranking system, where I will be tracking the very best ORION players - so called ORION Stars. If you see your name in this TOP10 list, you are already tracked and you have some points from me 😉 . The higher you are, the more points you will get. So... who will be our ORION Stars? You will see soon.

That's all for today. If you have any idea how to improve this Damage Report, let me know. My time is limited, but I will do my best to try to implement your ideas.

Janty F
Advisor of ORION HQ