[NE] Marching Onwards

Day 2,104, 19:50 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Obligatory theme music.

Dear Britain

Once more the congressional elections are upon us, and New Era has taken time to ensure that their candidates are based on quality and ideal. With effort put into achieving a better congressional result, we have tasked all those who wish to run for congress through us to fill out a form where they motivate themselves as to why they would like to run, and based on their answers we have selected them.

In order to spearhead the ideal of innovative thinking in the United Kingdom, our congressional ballot has been filled with quite a few newer or less experienced players eager to learn and grow.
I do believe that with assistance from the few experienced members we have selected for congress, they can make a great team. We will be encouraging communication between our congressional members to share our experience and thoughts on issues that may arise, as well as prevent seemingly foolish incidents from occurring.

Our congressional ballot will be as follows:

1. Wes Lewis - Wes Lewis is an older player who, after a long player, has recently returned to the game. After having proven himself more than qualified to take on the position with his tireless work effort, his impressive skills and his extensive vocabulary I think he will make an excellent member of parliament.

2. NT Games - NT Games has been in New Era for quite some time, having served in congress four times already he is looking to serve his fifth. With experience behind him and a good heart I believe he can add much to our team this month.

3. Jahngel - Jahngel is a newer player, having served his first month in congress he is looking for a return. He has proven himself motivated to take on any work that may come in his way, I believe that he can bring much good to New Era and the eUK.

4. Wigibob - Wigibob has served as party president of New Era and is looking to get into congress in order to assist our players in their attempts to improve the eUK as a whole.

5. Aultman - Aultman is looking for his first mandate in congress this month, having been participating actively in our tasks so far this month, showing good spirit and a savvy mind I believe he can truly help us in our efforts.

6. Coolmanos - Coolmanos has recently arrived to the eUK from Canada, after having participated actively in the day-to-day running of the party and shown himself to be a quality chap he most certainly will help us build a better community together.

7. John Puller Jr - John Puller Jr is another of our newcomers. He will be looking to serve his first month in congress and having high expectations and good will he will looking to assist in the management in the country in the best way possible.

8. Maximus Decimus.Meridius - Maximus is an older, more experienced player. Having worked tirelessly for the progression of New Era since his arrival to our party, I do believe he will make a fine candidate for congress.

9. Sharp83 -Sharp83 is running for congress for his second time. Being a newer player, we are looking to help Sharp grow by giving him a good opportunity and plenty of support in congress. Although he may not need it, judging by his excellent replies to our surveys.

10. Michele Battaglia - Michele has been selected to work as our councillor this month, showing a desire to help the party when it comes to player retention and communication. Who would suit the eUK better in times such as these, when we see decline and neglect everywhere?

11. Sir Winston S Churchill - Winston is one of the founders of New Era. He has a strong will and is set to achieve his goals and I believe that he can do good for the country in congress.

12. Sven Goran Duran-Duran - Sven Goran is a former party president who has excelled in community work within New Era. With a strong team alongside him I am confident he can assist in the day-to-day tasks of congress.

13. Howdyho - Howdyho has previously served in congress three times, now hoping for a fourth. He is a kind hearted man who shows great promise.

14. Dr Illuminati - Dr Illuminati has shown great desire to be in congress this month. If he turns that desire into work effort, I am confident he would make a fine candidate.

15. General Marley - Marley has previously served in congress four times and he is currently a captain within the British Army. I am confident he can help us build a strong and helpful community.

16. Alphabethis - Alpha is a good guy with a kind heart, having stated that he would rather see a newer person get into congress than himself this month, none can deny his noble heart.

17. ChewChewShoe - I am currently working as the party president of New Era. I’m pretty cool if you ask me. Jokes aside, I've been a few places and held a few offices in my time.

18. DannyCrowley - Danny is a confident lad with a lot of go in him, I am sure he will be an asset to our country.

19. Elis Davies - Elis is a newer player to the game hoping to grow within the political sphere. I wish him the best of luck in his endeavours.

20. Malaclypse the Younger - Malaclypse is a player who sets goals for himself and works hard to achieve them.

21. AceRatkuSh - A captain in the British army looking to get involved in congress, AceRatkuSh shows great promise.

22. T White II - T White II serves as the the commander of the MU ‘Royal Marines’, and has displayed interest in growing within the party recently.

23. Sir Ethan William Woodhouse - Ethan has been a candidate for the party presidency several times, however, with little to no campaigning he has seen little success so far. WIth assistance from our party I am sure he can grow to be a strong politician one day.

24. Garth Lidlington - Garth popped up in the party out of nowhere a few days ago. He is a member of the Dental Corps and has served in congress four times. Quite the friendly lad, however, elements within the party thinks he may not have quite as friendly intentions.

25. Invalidation - Invalidation has been in New Era for a while now, writing comical articles attempting to discredit the party and mass-messaging the party with misleading information, he has been placed last on our ballot.

New Era’s first quiz was held on Friday evening. With a decent turnout, and many wrong guesses, our three victors have been crowned.

In the first place came Maximus Decimus.Meridius, winning ten gold and a copy of Europa Universalis III: Chronicles.
Not far behind came Alan Warwickshire, winning ten gold for himself after proving himself to be quite the clever chap.
In third place came MWCerberus, winning five gold for himself in the evening.

New Era will be looking to hold more fun competitions in the future, and we will be looking forward to seeing every potential participant. More information regarding this will be sent out closer to the next competition.

Not a member of New Era yet?

New Era is a party valuing individual liberties, which is actively working for the progression of the eUnited Kingdom through means of promoting a strong, friendly and helpful community, diverse government and free thinking.

In the interest of the country, we do our best to give newer players a chance at experiencing and learning about the politics of the nation through encouragement, education and presenting them with multiple opportunities to make a real difference.

Join our diverse and democratic movement for free choice today!

As of now, I will leave you with this quote:

"Impossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools." -Napoléon I Bonaparte
