[MoFA] Interview with MoFA of eHungary, Azurefalcon (add-on)

Day 2,702, 13:35 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by MoFA Republic Of eIndonesia

Selamat Pagi, Siang, Sore, dan Malam
May The Force be With You!
Day 2,702 Taman Lawang, eIndonesia

Dalam kesempatan ini MoFA akan menyajikan hasil wawancara dengan MoFA eHungary, Azurefalcon. Mohon maaf saya tidak dapat menyajikannya dalam bahasa indonesia karena adek sudah lelah bang :'(
untuk itu saya sudah memperbaiki kata-katanya agar translate-able menggunakan program translator seperti google translate.
dan juga dibawah saya akan menyediakan beberapa informasi terkini.

In this edition, i will give you my interview with Minister of Foreign Affairs of eHungary, Azurefalcon

[The Interview]

1. first, tell us about yourself in RL! Your sex, occupation, hometown, anything 😃

I am a male student, currently in his early twenties. I don’t really have a hometown anymore since I’ve been spending my last years relocating between cities in three continents. As such, I consider myself cosmopolitan. My homeland, however, will always remain Hungary of course 🙂

2. You call yourself that you are the only titan in 1st division, why is this important for you? And how did you achieve that position?

Yes, that’s true: there are no more titans in D1 at this moment. I am not sure whether anyone else has achieved it previously but I suspect a handful at most. The reason it is important for me is because of the effort it took me to get there. It took roughly 3500 guerrilla fights, and trust me, that’s a lot of time.
I am really sad though that admins are taking a big pile of dump on guerrilla. There are countless ideas they could implement in less than a day’s work that would make it a hundred times more enjoyable.

3. Looking at your level and birthdate, your STR seems so d*mn high, wanna share secret behind that? 😃

Well really nothing more than what you would imagine at first sight: I’m saving XP wherever I can. That includes no voting, no working after the training centers are upgraded and no daily rewards. When it comes to fight, it’s almost always guerrilla, and I usually perform the 5 kills needed to get there with bazooka, it improves the DMG/XP ratio.

4. Okey lets get serious, when many countries chose dictatorship, why hungary still believe in democracy? Because of complex internal politic or sign of confidence that Hungarians can defend their Gov from foreign coup?

When I was CP during the implementation of dictatorship I proposed the idea to protect ourselves against foreign coups. The folks did not receive the proposal well and as such I have decided not to carry out a state-sponsored self-coup.

We now have a consensus to remain a diplomacy and we welcome TOers with open arms to hand them their asses on a plate. I guess our resistance towards dictatorship originates from RL, where we didn’t have proper democracy until 1989.

5. For many months we have seen provocations from both sides between Hungary and Romania, but no war happened. Could you explain to us what is exactly Hun-Rom relations?

With Hungary and Romania we’re looking at two nations who are comparable to each other in most aspects of the game. eRepublik is a game in its eighth year and for the first 6.5 years these countries were waging war against each other. One of the reasons is RL where there also has been a lot of conflict of interest for the past hundred years. Another reason is that the most effective baby booms on both sides were by far born from the notion of this war, and among the people who were mobilized the more nationalistic individuals are statistically overrepresented.

Now that we have the same set of allies, we cannot have war. Whoever opens the war loses it due to the mutual MPPs falling out. Both sides know it and therefore opening war is out of question until this situation changes. Therefore those on both sides who want to oppose the other country have to rely on provoking the other.

6.soon after terrorist took power in greece, Hun signed MPP with macedonia. What are Hungary planning to achieve?

Less than a day after the terrorists succeeded with their coup, they left Asteria. From that moment on we had an option to sign MPP with Macedonia. Previously it would have been a tough step due to Greece being a very vocal member of Asteria. However we were never friends with the Greek nation. We’ve been enemies in the past for too long, and their terrorists kept hitting against us whenever they could. Worst of all, Greece was one of the nations who took great part in conquering our capital in October, and these are things we never forget.

Sadly, Macedonia is wiped most of the time and so an MPP with them will not yield any damage by traditional means. However, it is a gesture of friendship between these nations, similarly as with Indonesia. We were friends for long, and we don’t forget these either. I can tell that our players are happy with these MPPs and with Macedonia in particular, we also know that they support us in battles, if not necessarily from their home country.

7. What is Hungary's plan for future alliance?

These are interesting times as it’s been almost half a year since we last had two major alliances. Since then, many have questioned whether there is a need for alliances at all. I hope there is, for me eRepublik was always about world war between two sides. Asteria has been an interesting experiment where countries with a long history of enmity have been brought together. The alliance is still functioning to some extent but we also have to acknowledge that it is way too idealistic to imagine these countries becoming friends in a short time (or ever at all).

Forming alliances are the governments’ responsibility, but if they do it without support from their people, the result will be lacking at best. And most of our population have been playing this game since the beginnings, when there were so much more memorable moments which we achieved with our allies.

As a result we tend to value long time friendships above all. Our brotherhood with Serbia is one of the most prominent example, but I am also extremely glad to be MoFA in a period where there is an opportunity to revive the Indo-Hun alliance which was epic back in its days. Which leads up nicely to your next question…

8. After a long time, indonesia and hungary can fight side by side like old times. but our current situation are very different. Most of our MPP partners are fighting against each other. What should we do to face this challenges? (I want to answer too but you are the one being interviewed right now 😛 )

Yes, it is a peculiar situation indeed. However, both Indonesia and Hungary are sovereign countries thankfully, and as such, we have to have some leeway in our decisions on who we befriend. Regardless of our current alliance structure
we have the option to fight for and be vocal about our desires, and any alliance that denies these is one not worth being a member of.

Fortunately though, here we are with an MPP and I hope this cooperation will grow. I personally don’t mind that we support different third-party countries in a war, but our population would not fight against Indonesia on the side of anyone, and I am sure it is the same the other way around.

9. Lets being nostalgic little bit, what is your best memory with indonesia? For me when Hun helped Indonesia against Brazil in battle of Java. We lost the battle but the memory we fought side by side f*cking crazily, cant be forgotten :')

Yes we had countless great battles together and I hope we’ll have a lot in the future as well  My most epic memory is the battle of Western Siberia which took place so long ago, back in 2009. The importance of the battle lied in two factors. Firstly, WSR was one region with the best resources in the world back then. Secondly, at the start of the battle admins banned a few of the biggest tanks on our side and they hit 220k on Romania’s side. You could literally see “admin” as their battle hero.

At that time the biggest battle heroes had 16k damage so this is as if they hit 22 billion today. It was a major setback, but we still managed to win that battle against the admins and that felt so rewarding. It was so epic that it warranted a separate article from the admins, which you can read here.
if anyone still has a screenshot of the battle, please send it to me, thank you

10. For the last, how do you see indonesia and indonesians as a whole? Crazy? Absurd? Or even you dont know? XD

Definitely crazy but only in a good sense 🙂 The thing that comes to mind is the Pertamaxxx / Keduaxxx / Ketigaxxx comment craze which the whole e-world followed. Actually, we still do, the common praise of my MU (GATmaxx or KDmaxx) is also derived from this 🙂
Thank you very much for interviewing me, and big hello to all the Indo people, you will always be my friends 🙂

Thank You so much mate for the Great Interview 🙂
You're Welcome mate 🙂


1. Artikel kali ini adalah lanjutan dari pembelajaran dari luar negeri ttg demokrasi dan kediktatoran. Jika artikel sebelumnya ttg kediktatoran, maka artikel ini ttg demokrasi. semoga contoh dari luar dapat menjadi pembelajaran bagi domestik eIndonesia.

2. Gerakan Colombia di utara patut diwaspadai. berhubung sedang dalam proses pengumpulan informasi, diharapkan semua prajurit untuk tidak gegabah dalam bakar-bakar.

3. Amerika Selatan telah menjadi medan perang baru. Kroasia dan serbia ikut serta dalam perang antara Chile dan Argentina. untuk sekarang pemerintah berusaha untuk menjauhkan dampak perang dari core. sekalipun nanti kita akan terlibat diusahakan jauh dari core.
Main Priority: Chile vs Serbia dan Croatia vs Argentina

4. Portugal mensponsori kudeta di UK dalam rangka pra-perang. Kudeta ini berhasil mendudukkan org portugal sbg diktator UK dan men-NE Portugal untuk menghapus common-MPP antara kedua negara seperti dgn serbia. hal ini diikuti oleh NE bersamaan oleh France dan Norway. saat ini UK terjebak dalam perang tiga front.

5. MoFA Australia mengumumkan Revolusi untuk menggulingkan diktator Xenthus yang berasal dari Spanyol. disebutkan bahwa Xenthus dan MU-Spain Black Spectra telah berkhianat terhadap warga Australia. MoFA australia pun meminta dukungan dari seluruh gerakan pro-demokrasi di Erepublik untuk membantu mereka.

6. MPP dengan Turki telah disepakati.

7. MoFA Prancis meminta tolong untuk mengisi kusioner (tinyurl.com/o2o35kw) untuk menilai seberapa besar pemain eRep mengetahui ttg Prancis. mohon dibantu 😃

"dream as high as the sky, if you are fell, you'll fall among the stars"
-Soekarno, Founding Father of Indonesia

Sincerely Yours