[MoFA] First progress

Day 1,638, 00:33 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Dear citizens of eBelgium,

Now that some days have gone since CP election, i guess it is time to give you some news about eBelgium MoFA.

As you certainly know, the referendum we have organized a few days ago clearly showed most of you were willing to stay neutral.

To achieve this goal, we wanted to get as many chances as possible to sign TEDEN MPPs since it was there we failed last month.
Our first and main goal is still to sign 2 TEDEN countries and 2 proONE countries in order to have the most balanced list we can.

We thus decided to let our proONE MPPs end without renewing them. That will explain why we don't have any MPPs left for now. The training war with eHungary gave us the opportunity to easily lose the MPPs remaining.

Through this action, we wanted to show TEDEN countries our will to build new relationships. It can't be said anymore we are on ONE’s side since we don't have any MPPs left.

We immediately took some contacts. For some reasons we developed above, we decided to focus on TEDEN MPPs first.
At this time, eUSA and eChina have been contacted.

We are currently waiting for their answer.
More than a country, it is TEDEN HQ we have to convince. That's why it can take some time before we can see some results.

We will try to let you know how all this is going on as often as possible.

Be proud to be Belgian, hail eBelgium and neutrality,
Best regards,