[Malaysia] About the CP elections

Day 1,594, 11:50 Published in Malaysia Hungary by Linkinstile
Dear Citizens of eMalaysia,

the last period was so difficult for our country, since the congressional elections fell short, and the eIndonesian oppression is a current problem also. The presidential elections will be placed in these troubled times.

Firstly a short summary about the happenings of the last month

Worth to read Pet Wussy’s latest article which was written about the same issue.
I just want to complete it with some interesting facts. After eIndonesia’s attack, our new president, vareyz and the current president of eIndonesia, kambink pemburu had an agreement which says eMalaysia would get Sarawak and Peninsular Malaysia regions back before the congressional elections. As we know eIndonesia has lied. There are numerous theories about why they did that, but I don’t want to pay too much attention to them in this article.
After that we tried to fight along with the nearby states against the oppressive eIndonesia with more or less success. As a result we’ve remained without a land.

Here we are now

Vareyz has begun negotiations with eIndonesia again, and we maintain closer contact with the surrounding allies.
For this reason I sought out vareyz, our current president, if he is ready to continue his work next month, but unfortunately he responded dismissively to my request for other reasons.
Since noone has contacted me about this issue I, as the party president of Parti Kemajuan eMalaysia decided to run for the title in April.

I will do everything to get eMalaysia back on the map again, to be able to have congressional elections, to create a good relationship with eIndonesia and to keep our best allies and the neutral position in the eworld.
This is what I wanted to share for this time, choose your own wisdom.

Linkinstile, a citizen of eMalaysia