[LS4PP] UKRP Manifesto - May 2013

Day 1,998, 07:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by LongShotzZ

Hey there everyone!

Most if not all of you know me from either Skype, IRC or just generally in game and this month I'm making a serious run for the number one party position, Party President. The Party President role has been fulfilled rather well as of late and in the past we have had some truly phenomenal leaders, this month I hope to follow in the success of last month and of recent months and join that Party President "hall of fame". I hope to be active, energetic and motivated to help us power through this term and make it a productive one full of recruitment, boosted activity and excellent inter party relations. This manifesto shall be split into various different sections and they are as follows:

- Congress and Country President elections
- Membership and recruitment
- Communication and community events
- Inter party relations
- Member retention

Now to start off with congress and Country President elections, as you may expect I have a certain goal set for the congress elections and that goal is to achieve 5 seats for ourselves with a minimum of 1 seat for a smaller party. I believe that this is easily achievable considering the lack of last minute messaging we did last month. I also aim to re-start the accreditation scheme set up by Mada a few months back to ensure all congress members we elect understand how congress works (those who have completed the scheme already will not be required to attend the course however they will be required to resit the test, therefore attending the course is recommended). In regards to the Country President elections a party wide ballot (Google docs form) will be sent out to each member in order to get a more accurate sample of where the support lies instead of just the same 20-30 people voting on the forums.

Our member numbers as of late seem to have settled at around 105-110 but I hope to continue our steady levels of recruitment and gain a few members this month. Hopefully if we continue on how we have been doing but with a little bit more steam behind us this will allow us to reach my target of 130 members by the end of my term. Membership within the party seems to be reasonably high but our retention rate appears to be decreasing slowly so I also plan to boost this by offering as much support to new members as we possibly can, this shall be an issue that I shall be addressing. To give members a little more incentive to recruit, I shall be implementing a system by which for every person recruited the member who recruited them will get 5 Q7’s. This shall all come out of my own pocket btw. Another idea I wish to implement is to mention the top recruiter(s) of the week in one of the UKRP articles, this player will receive an additional 5 Q7 tanks.

We currently communicate with each other via all of the standard methods such as Skype, IRC, forums and in-game PM's which is all fine and dandy however people come and go as they will. What I would like to propose is a fixed weekly time at which a meeting is held whether it be on either Skype or IRC where all members have a chance to voice their opinions, suggest ideas etc. I would also like to start up some community events to be held over the course of the month in order to develop relationships between members and also add a bit more appeal to new players, these events could include playing other games, holding quizzes etc. These games/events will be organised by myself as well as the appointed Secretary General.

Inter party relations are a key area in which most parties lack in and do not devote much time to, this would be an area that I would put a lot of time and effort into, if elected or not, in the hopes of making more friends for the party to call upon for support and this could be an area where the community events we hold may help with strengthening bonds with other parties. If we can incorporate members of other parties into things we do externally then we could develop alliances with other parties that could benefit both parties as well as the eUK community as a whole. I also hope to hold weekly meetings with the leaders of the other parties in the hope of coordinating our efforts to better the eUK as well as build relations with them.

This month I hope to focus less on recruitment but more so on retention, as a lot of you may have noticed our party has slowly been losing members at the rate of 1-2 a week. This has allowed parties to swoop on in and nab members from us, what I believe needs to be done, and this has also been expressed by others, is that we need to start supporting new members so that they get a sense of community and make them want to stay. This task shall require the assistance of as many members as possible, but I believe that given the month we can increase our activity by 10-15% which will be beneficial to us in the short-term and the long-term.

If you would like to apply for a party position then please do so either through the Google docs form linked on the party forums or via a PM.
Thank you for reading my manifesto and I hoped you enjoyed it, don't forget to vote LongShotzZ for PP on the 15th.

Yours sincerely,

Job roles:
Vice Party President - The Vice Party President will be there to assist the Party President in making final decisions for things such as congress places and will also report to the Party President on any/all key matters that need addressing. This person will practically be being groomed for the Party President position.

Secretary General - Will handle organising events and games both within the party as well as with other parties. The Sec. Gen. will also need to help out new UKRP members and get them used to using IRC/forums.

Councillor - Will involve a pretty big job, this person will be in charge of handling inter party relations. They will also be required to give reports to the Party President on how well relations are going with other parties.

Spokesman - Will handle the release of articles as well as writing up/organising recruitment messages to be used throughout the month. The Spokesman will also need to be active on IRC and will be the voice of the party in the eRep world, therefore this will need to be an experienced player.