[LS4PP] Party Cabinet - Vote LongShotzZ!

Day 2,001, 14:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by LongShotzZ

LS4PP - Party Cabinet:

This article is merely to detail which applicants were successful in gaining a party position with me. I hope that my selection contains an equal amount of experienced and slightly less experienced players in order to give newer/less experienced players a chance to show their worth. As you may notice there may be numerous people filling the same spot, this is due to either a high number of applicants or a large workload for that specific position. Well, that’s enough jibber jabber from me so here is my party cabinet:

Vice Party President:

Cygnus X1 - He is a highly experienced player who has been party president in recent months with a highly successful term and a drive to get things done, and get them done properly, this would be his 3rd successive term of being in the vice party president position. Cygnus X1, commonly referred to by most as Cyg was originally running for the position of party president however due to exams he has had to take a slightly less demanding role and therefore I feel that he would be more than capable of fulfilling the vice party president’s role and responsibilities.

Secretary General:

CottonPicken - She is an extremely active player who is always willing to get involved with events both within the party and externally with members of other parties. She spends the majority of her time playing various games with well known players and is always up for socialising with any players, new or old. In recent months she has been making her way through the political ladder and this would be her first ever party position.


This position shall require a great deal of work and therefore I have split the workload between three different players as well as myself. All three players are well known, highly active as well as being experienced players. I feel that together they can be an amazing team and produce a lot of results for the party as a whole, here they are:

Sir Rex Fleddington - He is last months party president and has in my opinion done a great job of holding things together as well as making reforms within the party by introducing new ideas/concepts that have helped build on the party’s success over previous months. He is a highly active player who can usually be found interacting with fellow players via Skype, IRC or generally in-game and is a pro when it comes to inter-party relations.

ApronChef - He is easily one of the most experienced players that can be found in the community, well known by players from all over the country. He has been a little bit quiet since his country president attempt a few months back but is ready to do what he does best, work! His previous experience in party politics would help the party greatly throughout the course of the month.

GameChanger - He is another experienced player who has held various party positions in the past and has been the party councillor over this past month. Although he is in a different time zone to the rest of the community he still manages to keep in the loop and stay active. His experience in inter-party politics is more than enough of a reason to keep him in the councillor position within my cabinet.


p00kachu - As of late he has become increasingly active and has expressed his desire to get stuck in writing articles and being the scribe for party meetings this month. He is an absolutely hysterical player whose numerous impressions alone are enough to spark an hour long conversation. This would be his first ever party position also and I would be keeping an eye on him over the following month as I believe great things could come from him.

Hopefully this bunch can produce good results over the following month if given the chance. So remember, if you want to see this selection of players in the party positions next month then vote LongShotzZ on the 15th of May!

Thanks for reading,

P.S. If you didn’t make it onto the list then I apologise but I will find some way for you to help the party, if you are still interested send a PM my way!