[jw] Once more into the breach

Day 3,524, 20:22 Published in United Kingdom France by Hell The Great

Firstly, chill. I'm not running for CP and I don't have any intention of doing so. This month, however, I have decided to once again run for the office of Party President; a role I've covered in TUP umpteen times already.

Over the last few months, the party has been on life support. Successive PPs have failed to even do the basics, let alone improve the party. I've sat back and advised, only to see people return to inactivity, blame others, or fail to even acknowledge just how poorly they did.

The UK needs a strong Unity Party; a strong Unity Party needs a competent PP. A competent PP needs a team of minions to help with the day-to-day runnings; I've already got 4 people who've volunteered, but if you're willing to put in just a couple of minutes a day, get in touch.

Essentially, what I plan to do this term is very simple. The party needs to return to a basic level of activity, without going over the top and returning to the days of old.

- The first process is engagement with the outside world; the bubble of righteousness we've been stifling in needs to end. The game is no longer full of active parties we can ignore; everyone is suffering. Thus, engagement is key. This engagement doesn't necessarily need to be positive, but at the very least, we need to be getting ourselves in positions where we're much more involved.
- Secondly, once again our recent PP's have been ignoring the Ronseal approach; organization of party matters have been non-existent for months, and poor for several months before that. There's no use attacking ex-PPs, so I won't go into that here, but the basics of creating policy, running competitions to ensure competency in congress, and holding a primary to select a CP candidate is the very least we should be expecting of a PP. So even though I state this every time I run for PP, I'll be bringing back a thorough 'how-to/when-to' template for future PPs to follow.
- Finally, and for non-TUP members most importantly, the process of improvement needs to take place. After years of offering policy changes and improvements to the UK, our well of ideas has dried up. Our well of active players who involve themselves in Government affairs has dried up. It's not good enough. People are willing to nominate themselves for a 5g congress medal, and volunteer to help the party, but where is the thrust to improve the UK? Old and new members alike are falling into the same Keers trap; if we aren't in charge, it's not our problem. Frankly, this kind of thinking is why TUP has been the butt of everyones jokes for years, and it's something that a PP needs to stamp out.

That's pretty much everything, please don't forget to vote jamesw today!
