Interview with presidents [Cro vMoFA]

Day 3,746, 15:03 Published in Croatia USA by Balenciaga Pope

Pozdrav svima!

Došao je red na aktiviranje novina Ministarstva Vanjskih Poslova, prvi moj zadatak je napraviti intervju sa epredsjednicima esvijeta.Svaki od njih je dobio pitanja na koja su odgovarali. Neki zbog "nedostatka vremena u RL i obavezama na mjestu svoje fotelje nisu još uvijek odgovroili na pitanja".

Pa krenimo redom:

Pitanja na koja su odgovarali:
1. Describe yourself?
2. What’s your next step as country President?
3. Your favourite alliance?
4. Your opinion about eCroatia?
5. Name favourite allies in game?

Portuguese President: Yoradorc

1. I'm a regular guy, a bit of a computer geek yet I think of myself of a fun dude.
2. My next step is continuing to help our brothers in Asteria as best as we can and provide the portuguese people with the means to have a great and fun game. I would also like to increase the activity of our people in the outside game platforms like Discord.
3. Asteria of course! What else? 😃
4. We have been friends in the past but now we're on opposite sides of the spectrum. Now we're very focused in maintaining our current alliance but who knows what the future might hold for our countries.
5. I cannot name five out of the seven other members of Asteria as we are all important and all serve a purpose within the alliance.

President of Cyprus: Sergeant Spring

1.was burn in eIsrael, one night at the beach - i got so high, i started following this giant big shiny goat that only i could see in the sky, going deeper & deeper in to the black cold water! i found my self in eCyprus the next morning, all around me there where many goats, above us in the skies Mithra was killing polish dragons and the cold rain of blood was so nice, that day on the hot goat island.
2.try to keep Cyprus free and alive - our training war with Israel is currently going well, both sides are cooperating & channels are open 24/7 between govs.
This TW is a great example in my eyes > two neighboring countries, small, traditional enemies - both after many occupations - are able to communicate between them and allow their small communities to train, recuperate and regenerate. I only hope that both our allies and Israel's allies will continue to respect the sovereignty of both countries.
some ppl in the game still can't have fun when others do it also 🙂
3.friends from South America ofc 🙂 i like the ppl over there, nice ppl that wish to have fun (and eat some meat on the way) i can see eye to eye in many issues with our goats loving friends on the other side of the eWorld.
4.i don't have one, some ppl there i like a lot and see as dear friends. any more then that you will have to wait and ask me when i'm not in any political office.
5.first ofc i will name Egypt, our goats and their camels can be a great herd when joined 🙂 & ofc Hungary, Turkey, Albania, Argentina, Chile, Ireland, Venezuela, SK, Italy & Croatia.
our allies have all one thing in common, they all trust Cyprus & almost all them show up when they are called, can't really say that i can favorite any one over the other 🙂 if any new alliance where ever to be build, it should start with Cyprus, we are not the strongest or the riches for sure, but our friends (and enemies also) know that Cyprus will keep her word, no matter the cost. cause we are Few, Proud, Cypriots o/

President of Uruguay: eUruguayo2

1.Tireless fighter, patriot to death. or you love me or hate me, I do not have a middle point.
2.Change CS or 2 clic mode, im not decided yet.
3.Dont have, andes is not working good, and Asteria now is the winner and in PAcifica are farmers, and the others countries except CRO, are in #neutrality #TWmode #cowardmode
4.Brothers in ARMS
5.Croatia. in 5 yrs and months always see a CRO when I stay.

President of Switzerlan😛 Vincent Rekdal

1. I'm an old player with the passion of politics
2. I've still to accomplish some points of my program such as giving to eSwitzerland a new Constitution
3. Alliance of Devoloping countries is our alliance and has for sure a great purpose. Helping small countries to develop is a noble task
4. eCroatia is a great country with a lot of important players
5. I'll give you 6. All of our allies: Israel, Ukraine, Argentina, Belgium, UK, Norway

President of Germany: Freiheitskaempfer

1. Freedomfighter
2. Setting everything up for the upcoming elections in germany and denmark
3. Phoenix
4. Brave fighters, unfortunately too proud to change things they ended up fighting on the small side since years
5. Allies come and go, considering the last 8 years of playing erepublik i'd say romania, poland, slovenia, chile and russia. Lots of memories
kind of hard not to mention bulgaria and macedonia lately, but thats my personal opinion throughout the last 8 years in connection with special memories.

President Uk: jamesw

1. Blameless, timeless, patienceless and eOld.
2. Every President has the same goal. End wars that they do not want (for us: vs USA), try to make the world more interesting, and ensure strong connections and constant communication with allies, or other countries who have the same interests as us. Over the coming days I hope to continue to work to achieve all of those things. Outside of that, the UK like most other countries suffers from people dying because of Plato. So we have started to work towards increasing our communication with all citizens, and pushing people to use Discord.
3. There's two answers to this question. Of all time, my favorite alliance is TWO. I'm sure in Croatia that will not be a popular answer! But, for me, it was the most successful time in the eUK's history. Our allies ruled the world, and it was a golden era for UK on the world stage. Did you know that every month, TWO had at least one HQ leader from the UK? Honestly, no other country has had that long in power in an alliance, I think. As well as being the best, it was also a great time for us and allies, as it really wasn't just about winning the game: but about friendship and cooperation. These days, I suppose the only answer I can give is Asteria. Obviously no-one is happy that there is no major war, but it is understandable. There are many things that are not guaranteed, so it's important to act carefully. But, being too careful is too boring! But really, this isn't a difficult question. USA forces us to have a TW, and although the terms are fair, it would be strange for me to say I like Pacifica. I don't. I like Poland, they were always cool when we were allied. So yeah. Gotta be TWO/Asteria.
4. I think it's complicated. UK-Croatia relations are either excellent, or terrible. In the past, they were terrible because UK-Serbia relations were so strong. Then, some Croatians moved to Ireland, and Ireland-Croatia had a strong relationship: so obviously when Ireland invades UK(or UK invades Ireland) it means that UK faces Croatia on the battlefield. The AS on the USA was really impressive. Although UK didn't take sides, as most pro-Asteria countries, I did want to fight. Not because UK-Croatia has good relations: they are long since gone. But, just to see a country say fuck it, let's have some fun. That was cool. Most of the Croations I knew in the past don't play, so I can't say I know many people, or like anyone: I live in pro-Asteria, pro-PEACE, pro-Phoenix, pro-ONE/TWO worlds: so I can't say I like Croatia - but I do respect the organization you have in your military, and I massively respect the fact that sometimes you do stuff because it's right, and because it's fun.
5. I'm the most pro-Serbia person in the UK, so they are top. Whether it's giving them 5k gold to save Lionking, sacrificing everything to make allies fight for Serbia, or just begging them to save the UK because junior made a big country angry, I only have good memories with Serbia. After Serbia, I would say the strongest allies UK have right now are Spain, Bulgaria and Macedonia. So I suppose: Serbia, Spain, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Lithuania.

President of Sweden: zzzingo

1. Not much to say I think, president of Sweden since a year ago. Before that I mostly worked with more domestic stuff, took care about new players and the military.
2. Even I don't know. Our priority will be to support our allies.
3. Banana alliance is the best alliance.
4. Some nice people, but some not so nice too. Very strong and well coordinated country though.
5. Not the easiest question, since we are a bit more than 5 countries in Pacifica. If I have to answer I would say USA, Poland, Finland, Russia and Latvia, mostly due to geography reasons.

President of Columbia: Maykol 16

1.loyal and friends of my friends.
2.try to keep the largest number of active players through real wars or TWs
3.Mine Peace and then Asteria.
4.actually from Croatia since the time of EDEN I do not know anything about them .. And then it has great players that represent him in the game type ROMPER and that always give emotion to the game when they decide to fight.
5.Romania-Usa-Polonia-Finalndia-portugal. this would be the five but I have a hard time choosing ... why also Serbia Peru Slovenia Sweden Latvia Russia are great allies.

President of Thailan😛 Mjuraa

1. samir iz Zenice(BiH), 21 godina, nezaposlen xd uporan,dosadan,odgovoran
2. na tajlandu sve ide svojim tokom, tesko je sada reci moj sljedeci korak
4. veoma pozitivno, bio sam dugo clan tigrova tako da najvise eprijatelja imam iz hrvatske, jedan od najboljih saveznika Tajlnda, veoma teski ljudi za saradnju, glavni i odgovorni za sve zabave na erepu u zadnjih par godina itd..
5. Hrvatska,Cile,Albanija,Juzna Koreja

President of Russia: Arar Baker

1. Describe yourself in few words
I am crazy president. Play 9 years and know V1. God of Russian statistics.
My famous nickname "Without Medal", because my first presidential term was the result of impeachment.
2. What's your next step as President?
My top priority - the internal policy in country
3. Which one is your favorite alliance?
Panbaltian alliance, kek
Of course Pacifica, exactly.
4. What's your opinion about eCroatia?
Not very well. First because, of recent events in USA. Secondly, many Russians do not like Croatian bh-hunters.
5. Name five favorite allies.
We have an alliance(Pacific), and a stability number of allies, which everyone already knows. They on page of MPP. We do not hide anything.

President of Chile: Voncan City

1.Descríbete en pocas palabras
Bueno ingresé a este juego en Agosto de 2012, después de un baby boom que hubo en eChile invitado por mi hermano menor (que hoy en día ya no juega), inicialmente no me interesó la política, pero la dinámica del juego y la necesidad de completar mi medallero me hizo reconsiderar y ya llevo tres periodos de CP, veterano en vida RL soy de los Tatas del juego, por la experiencia que tengo trato de no entrar en conflictos y suelo observar los acontecimientos a fin de tomar las mejores medidas según sea el caso, he ahí mi slogan
El mundo es chico, redondo y da vueltas.... (The world is small, round and turns ....)
2. ¿Cuál es tu próximo paso como presidente?
Bueno, nuestra Vocería de Gobierno ya ha publicado un artículo respecto de los avances que hemos tenido (EL PROGRAMA DE GOBIERNO SE CUMPLE, y en lo que queda de nuestro mandato queremos continuar fortaleciendo nuestro País en términos económicos, en Defensa y reconstruir igualmente nuestras relaciones exteriores, un poco deterioradas en anteriores gobiernos pero que con trabajo, dedicación y respeto a los acuerdos internacionales, sabemos que podemos llevar adelante y firmar nuevos mpps haciendo nuevos amigos y aliados e incluso recuperar antiguos, por qué no decirlo.
3. ¿Cuál es tu alianza favorita?
Mi alianza favorita no es ninguna de las actuales, ya que creo que debe haber un reordenamiento de fuerzas, se necesita más equilibrio para que el jueguito siga siendo entretenido (cuando sucedía eso antes, daba gusto trasnochar y ver a tus aliados pelear codo a codo para vencer al enemigo de turno, repeler un AS, en fin hay que hacer algo por el equilibrio…,)
4. ¿Cuál es su opinión sobre eCroatia?
Siempre he tenido la mejor opinión sobre Croacia, sin duda que era uno de los países más fuertes del juego, lamentablemente por situaciones del mismo juego y/o de los administradores, muchos de sus buenos jugadores se fueron y decayó su importancia geo-estratégica, pero he visto con alegría que algunos están volviendo (o se han convertido en multis? Jejeje), por lo que tengo de que vuelva a tener importancia dentro de esta e-Comunidad.
5. Nombre cinco aliados favoritos.
Uffff, Aliados favoritos siempre se va uno por los más fuertes, pero desde el lado de la afinidad personal, por los buenos amigos que he hecho (virtuales) te podría nombrar, sin que sea el orden correcto:
Bulgaria (en su momento)

President of Hungary; fsb1000

1. I'm an incredibly rough person, but I like big motorcycles and beautiful women.
2. I would like to establish an anti-asteria, or rather an anti-romania alliance.
3. I do not have a favorite alliance, but I have some favorite players.
4. The Croatians play as their hearts dictate. And I respect them for that.
5. I'll keep this a secret.

President of Ukraine: The Silver Fox

1. Most of е-life 2click. But for the sake of this cadence I raised his activity. In RL 21 years. I do not know much English. 🙂
2. Re-sign all МРР. While there are no other large-scale plans.
3. Asteria. Some members of the alliance greatly helped eUkraine, when we were remained alone because of the treason of some old MPP.
4. I well remember the times when еCroatia was еUkraine best МРР. Now our route are different. But in your AS at eUSA I fight for Croatia. Only for еCroatia. о7
5. Serbia, UK, Bulgaria, Macedonia, and other allies are equally.
Good luck to eCroatia. Hvarstka i Bog!

President of Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Little Beast

1.Jobless and nearly finishing law studies with plenty of free time this period to care for eRep.
2.In my two terms as CP i reached all goals that was promised at the beginning like lowering work tax for test period, aero project, ground project, helping ally's in need against invaders and using my best communicational skills and friends worldwide to found new TW's for my people to farm for a while, so till the end of my CP term i will work to keep those projects still alive and workable.
3.For alliances that was dissolved mostly i like CoT cus in that time all members was united as hell and supporting each other even in it wasn't so strong member states. They was acting like one family. For current ally's that still exist i love Asteria, one of the most powerful alliances and ofc close partner and supporter to Macedonia.
4.With Croatia we are on opposite sides for almost all time, if we neglect 1-2 months in history where we got MPP, so as enemies i have huge respect for them especially what Croatia have done to USA, you people rocks.
5.Well our best friends in eRep are Bulgaria with whom we burn for each other if anyone of us is in trouble and showed many times our great relations, then Indo with whom we got old and strong roots of helping and supporting each other, Spain too where we used our force directly to help them in wars also have great relations, and in last times our great ally's are Serbia, Romania and Poland who showed their full support and help when we needed and ofc we returning with same passion. So i mentioned 6 couldn't 5 sorry.

President of Israel: TheEnlightenedNaor

1. I am Naor, 25 years old from Israel at RL, a third year student.
2.My next side as president is to create an economic plan in order to reduce taxation in Israel as much as possible while maintaining a positive balance in Israel.
3. We have friends in most of the big Alliances.
4. We have no diplomatic ties to eCroatia, so I can say nothing at the moment.

President of Turkey: CFovetS

1. Describe yourself in few words
I'm just than angry gorilla...
Seriously though, I'm American in RL (Yeah crazy I ended up in Turkey right?)
I brew (and drink) beer. I obviously play games, and I am a big sports fan.
2. What’s your next step as President?
This game might seem boring, but when you are CP things change at a crazy pace. What I thought I was going to do yesterday, isn't what ends up happening today. It's hard to say really. My main focus right now is to strengthen Turkey to the best of my ability through economic and community programs. Wars are great too though, right?
3. Which one is your favourite alliance?
Of the current ones? None really, but I look forward to what comes next. 😉
Favorite of all time? EDEN will always be the most fun I had in this game.
4. What’s your opinion about eCroatia?
eCroatia has always been a powerhouse when the players are active. I respect eCroatia and their ability to work together when necessary. A lot of countries can't do that.
5. Name five favourite allies.
All of Turkey's allies are important for different reasons.
But outside of Turkey, I always stand with Albania. I have always done as much as I can for Albania, and the long time players there will always be great friends.

President of Argentina: El masche

1. Poor and ugly
2. Make another TW (boring)
3. Andes
4. Great allies, tireless fighters
5. Chile, Croacia, turquia, grecia and Albania.

President of Irlean😛 Ethel Rosenberg

1. I am an active player, playing since 2011. I live with CFovetS IRL and we have one completely crazy pug named Sherman.
2. My next step as President is retirement. I am finishing my 3rd term and I am looking forward to not being in charge!
3. I have no favorite alliance (at least of the current choices).
4. I love eCroatia - truly. The players have always been awesome - friendly and fun! If we have ever needed help, you have always been there for us. I hope that our friendship continues for a long, long time.
5. Five favorite allies... hmmm this is a hard question because Ireland deeply respects all of her allies! But, for me personally, I have huge respect for eCroatia, eAlbania, and eTurkey.

President of Republic of Moldova: Nick Meis

1. I have 24 yo and i live in ROme now , and actualy student in finance and economy
2. To get more friends for Moldova and try to make moldova great.
4. I love croatia attitude of getting back to basis in the game and play for fun not for safe TW.
5. Our best friend is Romania but now we start sign MPPs with Poland ans Slovenia and have a good TW with Montenegro, maybe in future we can get more friends and allies.

President of Netherlan😛 NoTie112

1. I'm just one of the many players in the eWorld that is trying to keep their small nations alive and semi-relevant.
2. Not much steps to take for many nations in this world. Just trying to stay alive and conserve what little there is.
3. As part of Orion, that isn't a hard choice 😉
4. We haven't been in contact with Croatia for a few years already. I remember around 2 years ago the Croatian Airstrike on NL that we managed to defeat after a hard fight eventually. Afterwards we worked together in the last resource wars so there's both good and bad times.
5. Canada, Cuba, Estonia, Poland, Serbia

Vaš, vMoFA: