[Hekter4WTP PP] Forward into the light!

Day 3,249, 18:14 Published in USA USA by Hekter

Hello, We The People!

For those of you who do not know me, I am Hekter, and I have been around for a while, serving here and there both around the world and in the United States. I served a few terms in Congress, was General of the Army and Air Force under Oblige's first terms and am currently working with Rainy Sunday on bringing the USAF back to strength. My past aside, however, I am asking for your support this month in running for WTP Party President!

You madman!

Parties, when you boil them down, are about friendships and connections. Relationships that have been built up over months and years of mutual respect and admiration. I can say that WTP has one of the kindest atmospheres I have had the pleasure of experiencing, and I hope to continue to be an example in this regard. We have so many great mentors that you should never feel bad asking for help or advice!

While I believe Comet has the right idea on outreach, I want to focus on a different aspect that I think gets less attention. Retention and involvement!

With the Top 5 media falling in quality, I think it's important to encourage writers to get out there and start making more worthwhile articles, myself included, and for WTP to help provide support for new writers and old, whether it be about party events or news in-game. I'd love to see the WTP family grow closer by bringing back a new form of the WTP Writer's Guild to this end.

In addition, I have seen the decline in IRC usage across the game world, and the gradual migration towards Discord and other mobile-friendly platforms. I would move to establish our own WTP Discord channel to have a more modern platform to hang out on, and with its Steam integration I'd be up for some Civ 6 games when it comes out later this month!

Lastly, I would like to encourage more forum involvement by hosting some party events and debates on policy there so that we can both be entertained and informed by some of our best policy-makers, while making more some of you more familiar with the forums!

Plus you can watch me mock Oblige for complaining about peasants.

For me, this game is about lasting friendships rather than political rivalries, so I just want to end this article by saying that I have immense respect for Comet Academy and that the WTP will be well served this month no matter the outcome of this PP election. It is great seeing that fantastic leadership opportunities continue to open up to WTP members if they strive for it and put themselves forward!

Thanks for reading, and remember to vote in the primary!


It’s that time again! Time for the nation to come together and select the best of our respective parties to go on to Congress and do our best to move the country forward. In WTP’s years-long tradition, we held our monthly Congressional Primary to continue the aspect of democracy and party participation forward into our candidate selection process.

WTP voters participating in the democratic process.

That said, congratulations to our winners, and to WTP’s Congressional Slate for the 108th eUS Congress!


6-time prior Party President, Cubby leads up our delegation this month! Cubby is always around to lend a helping hand and to poke all of us to continue to do our best.

Rainy Sunday

General of the USAF, and 3-time PP of the WTP, Rainy brings 43 terms in Congress to bear as she spreads Dio’s love far and wide.




That’s me! Why I am so high on this is beyond me given so many great party members, I’m not sure, but I am honored to serve this month.

The Mike

I am pretty sure The Mike is actually a dog without his leash, which he proudly displays here.


Potato is a newcomer to the WTP and I am glad to see him jumping right in! While he’s new to WTP he’s not new to congress, and I hear through the grapevine that he is a big vegetable fan.


Commander of the eUSMC, Legolas keeps close watch to make sure that our enemies do not take our Hobbits to Isengard.


Nesterus is a butt.


Blande has returned to us from beyond the grave this month to live again! Look deep into those eyes and tell me you don’t see smouldering… well, something.


Thanks again to everyone who participated! If you weren’t listed and are still on the ballot we’re still rooting for you! There’s always next month.

In other party news, we now have a WTP Discord channel! Since IRC has been dying off lately, much more of the eRep community has begun migrating to Discord, and we’d love to have you stop in! There’s voice chat, integrations with what games you’re playing, emojis, easily shared images, et-cetera. Come on down and join us! https://discord.gg/rhKjrJD Looking to get a Civ VI game going one of these days, or you can laugh at me in World of Warships.

Thanks for reading, and remember to vote WTP!