Flavio Giulio Bellico is ashamed of being Indian

Day 405, 09:41 Published in India India by rituraj

Flavio Giulio Bellico, celebrity congress election winner, who migrated to Italy just after winning election, runs away from his responsibility. He is energetic enough to go on a holiday but also ashamed to be INDIAN. In his response to my email. in which i asked him reason to leave India in this hour of need, he replied me in absurd way. Details of reply are given below.

Re: reason for migration

Hi. I apologize but I'm currently on holiday and I have a bad connection. I ask you to contact me around January 10 that I will return to the civilized world.
I say, very briefly, that India is starting to become a colony of Atlantis (Spain and Romania) and I do not want to be a slave to anyone. although little, but I fought to liberate India and I can not accept to see her in chains.
regards and happy new year 😉
Thank you for your understanding.