[FedPP] Winning the Fed CP Endorsement

Day 3,778, 17:39 Published in USA USA by Tyler Bubblar

This is an open letter to any present and future candidates for Country President. I will also have assorted personal musings in this missive. In recent months we have had a dearth of Candidates for Country President visiting the Federalist Party Forums seeking our endorsement while also making themselves available for answering questions regarding their plans, candidacy, Cabinet, important issues within the eUSA, etc. Pfeiffer and Marius followed this format, but I am hard pressed to think of others in the recent past that have also done so.

In all honesty I think this oversight has very much affected the outcome of the results on the 5th in at least two not so long ago campaigns. I think Henry French and Salty both had a fair chance to win the Fed nomination had they sought it. Given the small margin of votes separating them from victory. I believe they would have won with the Federalist Party nomination behind them. Now Henry French did not really plan to run it was a last minute thing. Salty has also said he did not seek the Fed nomination because he thought it was already sewn up by Pfeiffer. I consider both of those answers valid. However in the interests of future Candidates for Country President this is how you go about winning the endorsement of the Federalist Party:

Stickied in the Political Section of the Federalist Party Forums is an election timeline. It was posted September 2, 2012 by the illustrious and greatly missed Paul Proteus. It is not exactly a state Party secret. However to my knowledge it has not been published in game for all to see. Here is a portion of that timeline:

Election Timeline


Around the 26th - Candidates begin to make their announcements.
Second to last day of the month at 19:00 (or as close as possible) - Primary Poll opens. (48 hours)
1st - Poll closes after exactly 48 hours of being open and result of poll are published. FedEx sends out communication to members of the results.
2nd - Prior to reset, the PP selects party endorsed candidate based off of Primary results.
5th - CP election day!

This is how the Party President/Political Director handles the primary. In order to be considered in the Primary you must have announced in game and opened a thread in the public section of the Fed Forums seeking our endorsement. Getting on our ballot is actually much easier than many other Parties you do not have to get and accept nominations. Simply expressing an interest is enough to get on the Primary ballot. Anyone with guest access can visit and create threads on our public section. If you do have guest access request it here. Access will be granted.

Now some might ask me why I care whether or not candidates seek the Fed nomination. For one maybe it is a little bit of ego the Federalist Party represents a significant voting bloc. In recent years we have sent a lot of our members to the White House and we have also worked closely with those outside of our Party to help further their endeavors to guide the eUSA to continued prosperity. We are used to being in the forefront of things and would like to remain there. Mostly though it is because the game and our community is better when Candidates for any elected office try. Also once upon a time it was a must to be even considered for Office regardless of credentials. It just was not possible to glide into CP.

The very first CP election after my return to eRepublik was for the May 2013 term. Three candidates sought to be the Unity nominee to run against Ajay’s candidate on the 5th of May. They were Artela, Tenshibo, and DLS. All three of them published frequently laying out their vision for the eUSA. They had Q&A threads open with every major Party. They were asked and they answered a whole lot of questions. Once upon a time CrashThompson alone would ask somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 dozen questions. In fact just for fun this is his list of questions posted July 26th 2013:

Okay here it goes.

All of you -
Looking at your choices, I feel that some of your VP picks and/or CS picks seems to be pandering to parties too much. In other words I disagree with your choices and feel you could probably do better. I understand parties have different people and cool people, but honestly a choice or two feels like party pandering.

Why did you pick your VP and CoS. Please more than they are awesome. What exactly are they bringing to your team to balance you out. I don't vote for CP's I vote for solid packages.

DLS - Why a 2nd CoS instead of just using your DHS or your NCI or whatever all those freaking accronyms for people and groups who already work on homeland security and stuff. Why add another monkey to the barrel? What exactly will they be bringing?

DMV - Already asked, but asking again. Thinking back, would you have done the declassification and article the same way, or would you change how you approached it. Are you completely unappolegetic or would you change your method. What would you do if another player did this while you were CP/.

NA and DLS - What would you do if someone took similar actions to what DMV did in brining to light issues on budget and national securtiy stuff that was supposed to be hush hush?

All of you -
With the budget issues and complaints of deficet spending, what are your opinion on the concerns of next rounds budget?
If you had to choose, DoI or USAF, who would get the funding?

What are your feelings towards National Militaries? Do you feel that you and SoD have a good feel for their needs and how to build them up? I guess in other words, whats your action plan with them?

What are your feelings to independent militias?

How do the changes to the military modules (Namely open and closed MU's, Paying for Damage) going to affect your military decisions and USAF?

What is one nation you hope your SoS choice repairs/builds a stronger relationship during your term? (it can be more, I just want an example of one and why?)

What does an Alliance mean to you? Its purpose and intent? Are we (the eUS) meeting our obligations to CoT? In what ways? Is CoT/our allies meeting their obligations to us? In what ways?

We have meta game and in game ways to reach and work with people? Are you going to do anything different in either group/way/sphere to help/increase activity in those areas. I guess, what are you going to do in game to help retain people? What are you doing in the meta-game to keep people interested in that aspect?

Is retention fully up to the eUS Gov? If not, how are you encouraging other groups to help out? If it is, what are you going to do improve/increase retention?

How important will media be during your term?

How do you feel when I say - "Other Parties suck, no one is as awesome as the Feds" How would you respond?

Do you feel AIM still exists as a fun group of MU's coordinating an attack together from time to time or have they become something else?

What will your DoE do?

What can/will you do to make the two clickers more informed?

Respect all three of you. Good luck. Ill probably have a few more after you answer these ones to clarify stuff.

As a new player/recent returned player; I absolutely loved when the CP and PP election cycle would come around. Articles would be everywhere, plans would be laid out, and people would respond with questions, support, and/or critiques. The activity was amazing. Something I miss very much. I recognize in the current state of things the bar is much lower than it once was. That is why I prize candidates and players who still care enough to make an effort above just about anything else. So please present and future candidates for Country President seek out the Fed nomination, we, you and our community as a whole will be better for it! Happy Campaigning!