[eUS VP] Business Time

Day 1,782, 18:34 Published in USA USA by fingerguns

First things first...

It was a squeaker, for sure. With all of the bickering and petty stuff I think we have forgotten that we don't just have enemies at our door, THEIR VOTES ARE COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE.

Lots of them.

A gigantic THANK YOU is in order to all of the citizens who rallied behind us and cast their vote for the Unity candidate, Henry Arundel. I know a few of you had to take more than one shower afterward, but I promise you that we're going to do everything in our power to make you proud this month. (Also going to work hard on coming up with a better system)

The Prez is getting settled into his big boy seat, hard at work talking with our alliance bros and beating the dog crap out of FYROM.

The promise of unity is starting to become a reality as the halls of the White House fill with excited volunteers and staff members from every part of the eUS (except the cave in the desert where the AFA is licking their wounds and probably other gross things, of course). If you want to be an agent of change and really make a difference in the direction we're heading, please fill out an application!

If you want to get involved but aren't sure if you're ready for the White House just yet, contact your party leader! There are lots of great party jobs available, regardless of your experience level.

Oh, speaking of parties...

There is a war for newbs going on and eAmerica is going to win. We have to win. I am putting together something like a coalition of individuals who have experience leading parties and working in a variety of national level service departments, as well as a few newbs who have early days of their eRep career fresh in their minds.

Together, we are going to craft strategies that will help us serve newbs better, strengthen all of our parties individually, increase national activity, keep us more secure and maintain unity between the patriotic American parties.

Was that lofty enough?

It's seriously happening. But we need everyone on board. Touch base with your home party. If you lead a 6th party and want to have a say in all of this, please send me a message and we will talk! Recent mechanics changes have made it so being in a 6th party cuts players out of a lot of important things. We must come up with a solution! We will do this. But you gotta be on board.

I STILL believe so hard. This is going to be a great month!!