[eAlb MoFA] Introduction and presentation of the gov (SQ/EN)

Day 2,483, 12:10 Published in Albania Greece by Kravenn

Përkthimi u mundësua nga: Endritt Zekka

Pershendetje te nderuar shqiptar dhe ju lexues te huaj.

Pas zgjedhjeve te fundit per president te shtetit tone,presidenti(TroyannForc) me emeroi mua si Minister te Puneve te Jashtme.

Edhe pse kam ca pervoje ne kete segment te lojes,megjithate do jete hera e pare per mua ne krye te diplomacise shqiptare dhe do beje me te miren qe ta perfaqesoj ne menyre dinjitoze vendin tone te dashur.

Dy muaj me pare i’u bashkuam aleances Root,ne jemi dhe do mbesim besnik karshi tyre.Ne te njejten kohe jemi te interesuar te perforecojme miqesine me shtetet e Sirius dhe te ndertojme marredhenie me te forta me ta.

Pozicioni yne diplomatik do mbetet i njejte:ne jemi kundershtar te Asteria/LETO dhe aleateve te tyre.
Gjate ketij muaji do perpiqem te publikoj disa artikuj per te sqaruar ndodhite e fundit ne bote,disa intervista jane planifikuar poashtu.

Ardhja ime ne ministri

Per fun😛Po u prezantoj me qeverine e eShqiperise

President: TroyannForc

Kryeminister: Jeton Green Man

Minister i Mbrojtjes: DiegoIceAge

Minister i Puneve te Jashtme: Kravenn

Guvernator: premton2

Minister i Edukimit: Endritt Zekka

Kanali yne zyrtar ne IRC: #eShqiperia
Nese jeni duke perdorur mibbit: klikoni KETU

MoFa i eShqiperise

Hello my dear albanians and other readers around the e-world.

Following the recent country president election, our newly elected one : Troyannforc named me Minister of foreign affairs.

Even if I have some experience there, it will be my first term at the head of the albanian diplomacy and I will do my best to represent our beloved country.

Two months ago : We joined Root and we are and remain loyals to them. On the same time, we are interested to increase friendship with Sirius countries and build stronger relations with them.

Our diplomatic position will remain the same : we are opposed to Asteria/Leto and their allies.
During the month, I will try to publish several articles explaining several events around the map and some interviews are also scheduled.

My arrival to the ministry

To finish : I will present our new government.

Country President : TroyannForc

Prime minister : Jeton Green man

Minister of Defence : DiegoIceAge

Minister of Foreign affairs : Kravenn

Governor : Premton2

Minister of Education : Endritt Zekka

Our official IRC channel: #eshqiperia (on rizon).
And if you are using mibbit: you can click HERE to join us

See ya,
eShqiperia MoFA

PS : This article was sent to allied CPs. But next articles will be in albanian and english 😉