[DoFA] Department of Foreign Affairs (Proposed) Reform

Day 653, 19:25 Published in Philippines USA by Hekter

In order to expand the Department of Foreign Affairs, make it more interesting, and, overall, improve its usefulness, I firmly believe that ambassadors must function as they have been intended to: information-gatherers and representatives of the great Philippines. So far, we have been pretty decent at the second stipulation, but because of the idea that I didn't need to bother my ambassador team with something so tedious as writing reports on their respective nations. Of course, after a month of attempting to keep up with the entire world's news by myself (Google Translate has become my closest friend) and without the great Pantopian Enquirer (Extremely informative newspaper), it's been a daunting task, to say the least.

Of course, how to get the volumes of information without being incredibly tedious? KISS--Keep It Simple, Stupid.

Starting in a few days, I will be (hopefully) be implementing a new requirement for ambassadors: browse your country's newspapers/forum every two days, and send me a PM with links to anything worth knowing about. Heck, even provide a brief summary beforehand if you're feeling up to it!

What this does is that it prevents me from toiling through country after country's articles, plugging link after link through the translator, only to see somebody's campaign spiel, a raffle, or (quite literally) utter randomness. This way, you've got one person looking through one (or two) country(ies)'s media. Hitting random stuff really isn't that much of a slowdown when you've only got 5 more articles to look at, but it is when you're trying to get through 200. Additionally, I get to talk to you all personally, which is always fun for me 🙂

Of course, this is not final, so feel free to provide input below--praise and concerns are equally welcome. Regardless of whomever wins the CP Position on the 5th, I hope to continue serving this cabinet and government to the best of my ability.