(dMoAP)Project Union Forge of Empires and NationStates

Day 2,025, 07:05 Published in India India by Maxi Tippkick Maximillian

Well hello everyone,Parth here.I have good news today.I have been elected as the dMoAP(Deputy Minister of Advertisement and Promotion) by respected CP Uv Ajed.I have been working on a project for this.Project Union.This project will be held in the US where I live.All of my friends in Forge of Empires and NationStates will be coming.I have the guest list and sadly it is full so sorry you can't join.This will include Mayank,the evil troll,as well.
We all basically built Gladiator guild in forge of empires and had a lot of fun in the NationStates forum Orson Civil War.
It is gonna be a ton of fun.We are all fans of pokemon,forge of empires,NationStates,cricket,Minecraft,etc.I will try to get it on youtube but I can't guarantee it.You could though message me through erep during the project since I will be reading all the questions for everybody else.So tune in on day 2030 all day long.Oh sorry,we are in different time zones so all night long
This is gonna hopefully result in a babyboom which eIndia desperately needs.
Jai Hind