[DemNL] A Race for Party Presidency

Day 4,528, 04:27 Published in Netherlands Poland by Shawtyl0w

Dear readers and members of Democratisch Nederland,

For a long time no one has spoken about this topic. We in eNL are used to seeing party presidents being re-elected time after time. This month we at Democratisch Nederland have two candidates! Henry Ackerman former country president and party president of Democratisch Nederland has decided to take on Shawtyl0w the current party president of the political party. (Yes I just wrote that in 3rd person)

In the past being party president came with more responsibilities than it does right now. We are no longer responsible for collecting congress medal tax. However the most important responsibility of a party president is to ensure his party members stay active in politics, run for congress and run for presidency. Party presidents are also the last defence between our community and a hostile political take over.

I'm looking forward to the elections.


Party President of Democratisch Nederland