Day 3,374, 10:40 Published in Cuba Cuba by Bank of eCuba

Presentamos al pueblo eCubano el Censo Nacional Militar (CE.NA.MI)
Tenemos la imperiosa necesidad de organizarnos militarmente.
Buscamos obtener datos que nos ayudaran a armar Grupos para el buen desempeño tanto terrestre como aéreos de eCuba y sus aliados y serán dirigidos por experimentados Mod…
Te pedimos que respondas seis sencillas preguntas y que juntos formemos la gran estrategia militar cubana.

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We present to the eCuban people the National Military Census (CE.NA.MI)
We have the imperative need to organize ourselves militarily.
We seek data that will help us to set up Groups for the good performance both terrestrial and aerial of eCuba and its allies and will be directed by experienced Mod ...
We ask you to answer six simple questions and together we form the great Cuban military strategy.

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