[CP] Stuff...

Day 1,720, 01:09 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Dear citizens of eBelgium

Today is my last day as CP of eBelgium... ever. The first days I was motivated and happy to serve as CP for this country, but after only 5-6 days I felt like this:

I don't know how far the censorship goes in eRep, so I blacked out some so people wouldn't be "shocked" 😉

Being a CP is nothing for me. I mean, it's just plain boring! Maybe some people will like this job, but for me, eRep is all about having fun, which a CP job isn't really is. Also, f*** economy. 😛

So what are the things I've seen as a CP? Corruption, betrayal and murder... Okay, no... But seriously, I can easily deal with criticism, as it is very usefull to improve your qualities. Sadly, some people in eBelgium can't find the "courage" to contact me personally to give feedback, and just start debating in public, without even informing me. Seriously, how can you even expect that I would answer on those things?

Anyway, I know this term wasn't really good, mostly because of my low motivation after a week or so. Sorry for that.

Now, the governement.

I really wanted to give other people the chance to gain experience in governement stuff, just as Nohjis & BrunoCND & others gave me. I've seen very good work of several people, but just like my term it slowly sank into the depths of the icy sea.... No, wait that's Titanic...

What I'm trying to say is that there were good ideas, who found their way into debates, but they vanished quite soon. I suspect this is due the holiday season, but it's sad that almost noone (I say almost) informed me they were away.
Also, there were some people who were surprised they weren't in the governement: I wrote 2 articles on this subject, so everyone could apply for a job. Sorry, but it's your own fault then.

So about governement: blame it on the holidays.

Which brings me to this pun (fictional ofcourse):

*Michael Jackson's trial, judge response to the defense:

"Seriously Michael? You slept with young innocent children, and you blame it on the BOOGIE???"

What will Cooke4444 do now, you asking?

1. Never go for CP again, definitely
2. Still go in gov if asked, of course. I liked being MoFUN, MoHA and stuff.
3. This month: complete concentration on my newspaper "The fun side" (spam, spam, spam). Read it, it's awesome.

So see you all there dear citizens of eBelgium. Have fun!

Still +/- 27 hours CP of eBelgium