[CP] - Rolo Tahmasee - Friend of the Devil - And Cabinet Released

Day 1,294, 07:20 Published in Canada Canada by Rolo Tahmasee

Required listening as my official campaign anthem.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kT_HwzlroeM

I lit out from Reno, I was trailed by twenty hounds
Didn't get to sleep that night, Till the morning came around
I set out running but I take my time, A friend of the Devil is a friend of mine
If I get home before daylight, I might get some sleep tonight

First and foremost a resounding Thank-You to all my supporters

To all my nay-sayers, Namely Etemenanki

Well on to the Business

Regarding the Cabinet

Minister(s) of Defense - Francois L. Pignon/George Beeman
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Derekor
Governor General - Alastar Aingleis
Minister of Education - IronToader
Minister of Communication - Wally Cleaver
Minister of Finance - Addy Lawrence

Official eCan forum Liaison to the President - Jacobi

I am sure there are lots of other Role-Play jobs, and if that's you're thing then cool. Just send me a PM if your doing the job and you want to keep doing it and I'll add you to the forum masking roster

Vice President - Tyler F. Durden

Please have Tyler masked as such on the Forums, (I believe his account should still be there) if in only an honorary capacity. His duties however will fall to Co-Vice President Addy Lawrence, who should be masked as Vice President as well. Addy will be holding the dual office of Vice President and Minister of Finance for this term

Regarding IRC and Forum Access

In leau of #ecan, The official IRC channel of the Rolo Presidency will be #secretz. I am too big a fan of irony for it not to be. I have decided that I will not petition for access to either #ecan or the eCan forums, however should they be reinstated I will use them. Topics regarding the government that require discussion will be in the media module. This will be the most open/transparent Presidency of all time.

Regarding Government Orgs and Passwords

Don't want them, Don't need them. It's NOT about the MONEY Lebowski...

Regarding the epic victory today

Look for further outlines of detailed campaign plans to be released shortly

Lets start a Q & A in this thread - post questions below should you have any

Rolo Tahmasee
eCanadian President as voted by the People - June 2011

(PS) - I am working from 8-5 today erepublik time, If any dramallamas show up, wait until I get home this time.....mmmmkay?