[CP] - Kazuo LePew - Second Presidential Address

Day 1,265, 08:53 Published in Canada Canada by Rolo Tahmasee

Hello, My Name is Kazuo LePew

This is my Second Presidential Address. I'm here to tell you to not expect much of anything from me, but please...BE READY

I did decide however to fund this French Militia on my own without any input from congress. I have to pander somewhat to the French population so I figured why not send them some cash for their army. I know it's kinda rag-tag but I have to pay them back somehow for the votes they gave me

This is my Presidential Seal, I think it gives me the authority to pretty much not say or do anything. I made a post in congress today, so you can't say I haven't done anything. It consists of my cabinet and a bunch of half baked plans, so you can't say I wasn't READY

I got a shift at the Mall today, so don't expect much from me. "Dr Make-Up" is gonna be planning his own personal war on ONE soon, where we hopefully won't be destroyed. I gotta STOCKPILE plan that has never been tried before...er, maybe it has been..., but it's gonna work this time, I SWEAR!.. I thought about this for at least 5 minutes DURING the Debate...BE READY

Remember, If we get wiped off the map as a result, it's not my fault, YOU voted for me

Anyone still READY?

Canadian President
READY, WILLING and Notably Absent