[Conway]What To Think

Day 1,590, 09:42 Published in Ireland Ireland by MrConway

My name is MrConwayTwitty, for those of you that don't know me I am a proud Irish citizen and was a member of the Irish congress last month. There has been many things said about Ireland in the past month, most bad and some good. Ireland is a proud nation in real life and in eRepublik, no matter what we all love Ireland and will do everything to serve her. We have conflicting groups that troll and attack the other but when our nation faces threat we truly are Brothers. I can go on and say EDEN should take Ireland as an example of loyalty and Brotherhood but I won't. In my opinion and in the opinion of not a few but a large portion of our population, Ireland has been let down by our allies.

I don't have logs, I don't have articles open to copy what others have reported but what I have seen and what I feel.

When Bulgaria veto'd against Turkey, most of EDEN was shocked, they expressed their unhappyness on the matter of how Bulgaria, not Greece, did not want Turkey joining EDEN. Ireland stood by our Brothers Bulgaria, if it's not what they want, we don't want it either. Ireland doesn't have anything against Turkey, I personally remember being in contact with a Turkish MU who came and gave millions of damage to Ireland when we were wiped by the UK. I respect Turkey, but Bulgaria are my Brothers. Ireland and Bulgaria are Brothers, we will always respect them and their decisions, please EDEN, accept this.

Though most people in EDEN don't accept this, they give out about our stance on this issue, they tell us to leave, go off and join Bulgaria. We considered it. We were not being shown the Brotherhood spirit that EDEN has pride in, we were being treated wrongly and unfairly. Our congress met and discussed the issue, leave EDEN, join with our Brothers Bulgaria, form a new alliance. The lies that Ireland was going to join ONE are pure utter crap, never would we join ONE, the MPP's Bulgaria was signing with all ONE nations was infact a turnoff on our plans to join them.

Ireland was in a bad situation, we were in an alliance that wasn't itself anymore, one that didn't show us respect. Our Brother Bulgaria whom we wished to join were signing MPP's with ONE. Look at how we felt, we had two choices and they were tough.

In the end we made our decision, we remained a member of EDEN, we received an apology for how we were treated from EDENHQ and an apology from the Greek CP for his threats to our nation, the nation who stood up for Brotherhood who was then threatened with a PTO by its fellow Brother. Ireland voiced its opinion, Ireland and Bulgaria were still remaining Brothers and we would keep our strong relationship going.

I've read comments about eIrish citizens coming over here and twisting Ireland, to those people who said this: "F**KK OFF!!"

Without these guys Ireland wouldn't exist, we most likely would have been PTO'ed, been a dead nation. The number of real life Irish players in eRepublik is very low, we might only have a population of about 100 max! But thanks to our Brothers who have moved over here to Ireland, our nation still on the map, we're getting stronger and we're the best we have ever been. As a real life Irishman I respect them for without them I wouldn't be able to represent my country.

As my conclusion to this article I just want to say:
Thank You To Our True Brothers.
Thank You To Those Who Respect The Irish Decision.
Thank You To Those Who Fight For Us.
Thanks To Those Who Understand What Our Nation Has Been Through.