[Conway]New Citizen Help Centre

Day 1,657, 15:02 Published in Ireland Ireland by MrConway

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It's with great delight tonight that I can present to you a project I have worked hard on, one that I lost patience with, got mad with, ragequitted over and gave up on. But with a little less drama I have finished it. It couldn't have been done without help from my good ole friend Ross (Bap_King) who in recent days has rescued me and sorted out most of the graphics. I also would like to thank Irasian for his role in providing text and material which I have "borrowed".

This site is built as a New Citizen Help Centre, it is to provide all of our New Citizens a database containing every bit of information they need about Ireland and every service they can avail of. This site does not stop here, I hope to continue to grow it and include more tutorials, history and images and make it the best tool available to any New Citizen in the eWorld, but it's for the Irish!

So without any further hesitation take a look at what we have built to educate our New Citizens and help boom our population.

New Citizen Help Centre

And for those not bothered to look, some screenshots.

Thats all I have for now. Keep classy Ireland.

Tiocfaidh Ar Lá,