[BoFA] Opinión exterior de la eEspaña militar.

Day 4,149, 07:37 Published in Spain Spain by Ministerio de Asuntos Exterior

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Hi everyone!

After the debates held in discord, especially on military stuff, we thought about bringing opinions from other countries. What are we interested in? Basically knowing about the impression they have on us, ideas that could make us better and what things they think are most important for a country.

We asked them, both allies and enemies the same 7 questions because the idea is learning from those who made things better than us (yes, those who beated us are better than us, or at least they are doing things better) and also to extend our way of seeing things.

To achieve our goal, we have interviewed these people:

Bulgaria - Emrace
Iran - Faraz
Poland - Khere
Serbia - Ubica
Croatia - Zdlemmy
Turkey - shooter tr
Russia - vlad & ivan
Spain - Poggo & Li
Chile - Yosemite
Argentina - Facu79

Without further delay, here you have the interviews!

1- How do you see the help provided by Spain to allies in the last months?

Li: I would say that very good. We have gone from punctual help in a battle with CO to help practically daily to allies. And since we always have to confirm target to hit for the correct side, almost every time they know we hit for them. In 289 days we hit in 385 operations, and 83.4% have been strikes for allies.

This data is from the almost 300 days we have been working on air. In ground, with the Soy Leyenda, though it is more recent, we have helped lot of allies and they noticed it. It is very different than simply paying COs, It is about having involved soldiers directly, and I want to believe that allies notice it.

vlad & ivan: Besides that our TW is working pretty well, we did not have problems with walls or something like that. We really appreciate your aviators help, they can quickly fly and help us to fix some walls in tw or real wars, specially at night.

Poggo: Finally! Since they brought out the legend ranks and countries started to have several players with those ranks, it became more important the own damage than the allied damage (increased even more by mpp limitations and the removal of the COs) most countries just implemented plans to make players grow, but in eSpain we were left behind, as damage statistics show.
It seems great to finally bet on making our damage grow, but I would even make modifications to the current plan.

Zdlemmy: There were no battles last month, and besides if it were only to help allies it could have been by attacking other country, not giving our own damage. So only air help counts, for other kind of help you need to attack someone, so when you do it I will talk.

Khere: I guess everyone noticed Spanish aviation program and huge help provided in all important air rounds.

goLdeNNN II: It's great, Spain has done a lot of strikes for us when we asked for.

Ubica: Very organized in air and helping allies

Faraz: Spain was involved in the recent operation in Iran which was one the most complex operations in the last couple of years. I've seen your willingness to cooperate in the plans to the extent of your power. Also you put up a good fight against Argentina.

Facu79: Lately we can see the help from eSpain in allies aerial rounds. Where several accounts hit at the same time and they can turn walls.
But it is not the same than aforetime, when eSpain was truly feared.

Yosemite: You have good aviation, it shows the commitment with the allies that need help in aerial battles.

Emrace: I love your airstrikes. You've done such a good job improving your airforce.

shooter tr: Amazing, you guys did what you could. Could it be better? Well, there’s always better.

2- Have you noticed any change in eSpain when it comes to military intervention (in air and ground)?

Li: Yes: I think we have gained enough mobilization capacity. It is something with a very special value with the end (and hopefully forever) of the COs:
The cooperative game is winning in front of the “individual game” that was headed ER. Even hiring mercenaries countries have to spend some time to be able to summon help and must pay a much more expensive damage than with the COs. In this context, the capability of eSpain to mobilize soldiers to help allies have an outstanding value, and in multiple calls with hours, or even days of anticipation when allies are calling us in key battles, it’s a key sample. The capacity of spanish mobilization has been known for months and being recognized by allies and rivals.

vlad & ivan: As i noticed earlier, your air squad becomes very organised. i see you're doing a great work there.
i worked with you earlier in sept-oct, and i see non-stop work with improving air squad.
Sorry, can't tell a lot about ground, unfortunately we haven't real wars since that time, but they looks very discipline in our TW

Poggo: When real wars happen I will be able to answer you ... In the only real battle I remember in recent months, a campaign in Iranian lands against Argentina, I couldn’t be there so I didn’t see it and I can’t value it.

Zdlemmy: If spain start some serious war i belive i can notice, from allies campaigns i can’t see 2 much.

Khere: It's hard to track ground because its depends only on legend and TP, seems that i was busy when you were active in iran so I didn’t check all results and i can't score your ground performance 😉 About air I replied in last question.

goLdeNNN II: I believe damage has increased recently, other than that it's pretty constant- responsive on calls before and now.

Ubica: I'm not sure I noticed drastic changes
but last month we did not even have a war.

Faraz: I've noticed some organized strikes for ally countries when they needed help, both in air and ground battles.

Facu79: I don’t see you united as before. You lack a common objective so everyone is active. It depends on the objective, sometimes some show up and others no.

Yosemite: Not really, except for the interventions of the Spanish aviation in some battles showing a great degree of organization.

Emrace: I haven't but I'm not that active so I miss a lot of things.

shooter tr: No, I haven’t noticed anything.

3- If you had a 10kk budget monthly to enhance the military, how would you invest it (ground, air, packs)?

Li: Difficult question, Personally I have always been pro-interventionist economically and pro-socially in public action. With that in mind, I would invest 3kk in ground programme, another 3kk in air, and the remaining 4kk in packs. This with 10kk, as it wouldn’t be the same % with less amount, and likewise, if there are similar levels of number of participating citizens.

And about packs, specially PP for everyone, IK for strongest tanks of the low divisions. Personally I am not a big supporter of public resources in MPs, since it forces people to hunting BHs and lose their lives in that, in addition to disperse the damage ... But I would understand and accept their distribution to a lesser extent if the social demand was high, as with the BP.

vlad & ivan: we already have a balanced scheme:
Legends - 55%
Near legends - 15%
pilots - 30%

Poggo: A mixture of everything. Customized plans, each player (based on strength and other attributes) should focus on one type of battle, and grow in it (few accounts can develop in both at once ... Lots of visa needed...), and the best way is helping in the purchase of the packs.
It must also be clear that nowadays land is much more important than air, and that it is easier to get air damage than land damage from the allies; to equal the damage that a legend X would do in a battle for Spain, I would have to hire two foreign legends, but to equalize the damage of a Spanish Commodore I would only have to hire a foreign Commodore.

Zdlemmy: All in packs.

Khere: guess pack as a reward will be good choice, we have a lot of air programs and we are already strong, investing in new legends is most important right now.

goLdeNNN II: Well 10m cc is not as big amount as it seemed a while ago, since packs got too expensive. But I would look for a way to evenly distribute to all players, with focus on ground)
i have to add since u have a big budget, dont keep the cc to feed the mercenaries, they will always return asking for more. while if u put that money in your own players, they will grow stronger, asking for less and giving much more help.

Ubica: Air and 2klickers. People are activated, direct damage…

Faraz: Well, first I would look into my country's resources and potentials. depends on the majority of active fighters, I would design a program to help them rankup faster and farm better.
As a matter of fact, we have a Legend program in our country for that specific purpose.

Facu79: A plan to improve air it’s a must. Buying packs should be to help low divs with good hit and mavericks for strong accounts with rank.
But before thinking in what to invest, you should think about what will you do in military and from there decide what plans will be followed and which ones not.

yosemite: This depends on the situation of each country, one must fix the weaknesses and strengthen the virtues of an army. But before investing a country should answer the questions what are its objectives and what is its role within its group of allies.

Emrace: That's a complex question that requires some brainstorming for ideas. I believe it depends on each country's needs - whether they need to rank up their lower legends or improve their pilots.

shooter tr: Combination of ground and air would be key to success. Investing right people makes big difference to game mechanics. But I guess I would need way more than that to make things better 😉

4- Do you think eSpain has the potential to become a power again?

Li: Actually I have doubts. Not because of lack of will, but because they turned ER into a PayPerWin; Potence is the nation with more packs, and Bulgaria and Croatia have more than 90 packers each one. If they were all packs of 10€, with the current prices in cc of the packs, it would be at least 45 millions expenses.
From my point of view, we have to encourage the players in a common project, and it is worthy to spend 10€ for the comunity. As an example, a cuarter of the packers from eSpain belong to PEPA project and it will be similar in Soy Leyenda. The PEPA doesn’t give enough to pay a Power Pack, but a lot of us that buy them with real money (including myself amongst them) we wouldn’t do it if we weren’t striking with others, seeing how we do useful things.
Spain will be able to be a power if we are able to encourage people. Subsiding the packs partially with cc may be a small incentive, but the key is having a “common project” that’d make people believe that the expense is worth it. Nowadays we are top 15 in packers, half year ago we didn’t even appear in top20, so there is actually a good trend, but we need more.

vlad & ivan: To help your country become stronger, just give your community opportunities - some fun, real wars, supply tanks and so on to help them to get legends easier.

when players reach some lvl(when TP compensate spent tanks), they also reach self-sufficiency of the acc, so our most tasks to help them to reach that level and give them some fun.

Poggo: Top 5 no, Top 15 yes.
Lot of time with investments in the growth of the players.

Zdlemmy: If you want ugly truth than no, not without massive comeback like cro did last year, like greece also. With this much players and this tanks now you can be good support for actions, do your duty, but not in a rank of serbs,romania or bulgaria.

Khere: Every single country have potential to become a power again, thats depends only on invested cash in this game, cro for example xd

goLdeNNN II: it has a long way, but definitely doable. With a correctly used budget from above, good guidance it's possible.

Ubica: Little things change the game...it is never known who will be a great power and who will not.

Faraz: I remember EDEN and ONE era, when Spain was a force to be reckoned with.
Right now you have decent bonuses and a good income. With some work military wise, I do believe you can become a power again.

Facu79: Of course they can be power? What do you need? A plan or an idea as a country that may put you together. With a united country, after an objective, you may become power and achieve great things.

Yosemite: For a country to become a power, whether medium or large, it depends - after all the changes that the game went through - of several factors:
a) the number of players with packs, especially MV.
b) the ranks and amounts of Legends players
c) the amount of TWs that a country maintains, that is, the capacity of a country to farm bars and gold
d) the internal organization of a country, that is, the coordination of the players who must fight the real campaigns
e) The willingness of a country´s allies to involve the country into real campaigns, and to indicate the country the right place corresponding to the force and available reserves of a country.

Emrace: As I mentioned before, eSpain has disciplined and well-organized pilots but lacks strong legends and in today's reality, legends are very important.

shooter tr: Why not.. Every well organized countries have that potential.

5- Do you see eSpain as a trustful country? What do you think that could be done to improve that impresion?

Li: Nowadays I think it is. We have shown an enviable continuity and stability, Croatian invasion with a strong national and allied response. The allies know that they have us here, and they keep watching us daily. They do know thwhen they have an important battle they can tell us in advance and they will have us there fighting side by side. So I think our strength projection abroad transmits a lot of trust to the allies, aside what the simple damage ranking says.

But we should not rest on our laurels. Inner social peace (I do not say harmony, at least a coexistence in diversity) must be recovered. At the end it is a game and you need to have rivals, not enemies. Even more at home. The future as a community goes through there, in my opinion. We have always had internal diversity, but polarization can turn us into a powder keg in a short time.

vlad & ivan: i hope someone will give you more specific answer from our side 😃 cause all guys im talking in this game are absolutely trustful for me 😃 maybe we have good partners 🙂

Poggo: I see it more trustful in a political way than in a military way towards the outside. Weak countries, no matter how reliable they are ... If they don’t have damage, they can do little. I don’t think we are either the most reliable or the least.
To improve, we must grow and once strengthened .. have the will to cooperate with allies.

Zdlemmy: You need to change side, from pro Asteria to cro friendly.

Khere: I had always warm feelings about eSpain so i guess my opinion is not objective, from some time we are close again and im very happy because of that. Many lolish players still remember spoland times. Ofc I’m considering Spain as one of our best friends and trustful country, hope Spanish ppl think same about us.

goLdeNNN II: I think that one of the country that sticks to the same allies for the whole game? I remember we came to rescue u back when Aexil Kong was cp and that was maybe 6-7 years ago.

Ubica: I heard some stories , about the change of side but I do not believe it personally.

Faraz: I don't usually associate people with countries. But I'm satisfied with the people I had interaction with. They tend to be cooperative and trustworthy and fun to hang out with.

Facu79: Of course I see you trustful, even being enemies, it was confirmed in the TW.

Yosemite: Well, at this point I would have certain differences with a group of Spanish players like Rezo or Potree, but the reality is that Spain has always had a serious problem of reliability in matters of Foreign Affairs because of the lack of a north in its compass of external relations.

Emrace: In my eyes, Spain is always ready to help her allies in any way possible. Spain's airstrikes have done a lot to prove that (kudos to Li).

shooter tr: Trust is fundamental element of diplomacy. We respect all the eGovs, and treat them accordingly. Currently don’t have any ties with Spain but who knows maybe one day 😉

6- How are you organized in your country for military stuff (telegram, discord…)?

Li: Well, I just can talk for the aerial program in detail, but basically we use discord, using massmp, feed and telegram for the news and social mobilization; but for strikes we use discord.

vlad & ivan: Telegram.

Poggo: I miss IRC so much…
Any message service it’s ok… I am in Discord, Telegram and Whatsapp groups and through any of them I receive information about the game.

Zdlemmy: Most of fighters are on telegram, so main organisation is there, but gov is on what s up, also mod team. telegram is perfect because it's nicely done on mobile app so even when I'm away of lap i can check what's going on.

Khere: We using discord, irc, twitter and www site to announce orders and some issues are solved via masspm (like communication with part of MP players).

goLdeNNN II: Only ppl with packs are on our viber chats, others we communicate only on country wall.

Ubica: telegram 😃

Faraz: We do have a Telegram group for coordinating our legends and making epics and a channel for Ministry of Defence in order to inform people about orders.

Facu79: Telegram and whatsapp.

Yosemite: We use groups of whatsapp (Chile) and telegram (allies) for coordination. There are groups for combatants in general, where daily orders are issued, groups for tanks and players always connected to coordinate certain rounds and epics and groups for aviators.

Emrace: We mainly use telegram for communication and in-game messages for those who don't want to use tg.

shooter tr: We usually held our gov meetings in discord and whatsapp also very much popular for us for general talks and etc.

7- Do you want to contribute with own ideas?

Li: Mainly, remind people this is a game with real people and without a clear objective. Everyone has own goals and objectives in ER, but it has always been a social game, not a slot. I respect those who just look at tops, medals or damage, but I don’t conceive this game without the social part. The majority of people that keep playing, if you ask them why, they will always say “because of the colleagues, the people”.
It is very good aiming to improve, but never forget why the majority still hang aroun😛 For the people. And it's the people who we owe to when we do something public.

vlad & ivan: So it looks like we have no ideas apart from inviting you to eRussia 🙂 so I just can give you wishes to become really strong, cause you're already trustful, well-organised and funny chaps 🙂

Poggo: Let's see when a tax reform that would benefit citizens is made without shrinking the income. I believe there is margin for it.

Zdlemmy: I called all girls from all countries to join cro, we need to make more ecro babies and we need you.


goLdeNNN II: just put that cc in a good use, you can’t lose you can just gain.

Ubica: I barely persuaded people in serbia to start with your ideas.

Faraz: Well Spain had a few setbacks in the recent wars. But you're managing to recover and rebuilding your TWs.
Right now you have a good economy. With a bit more focus on your military, I believe you're on the right path.

Facu89: I believe eSpain should unite and become again one of the protagonists of ER. For Spain’s sake and for everyone’s sake.

shooter tr: Pilots of eWorld needs some change, I believe it is time to introduce new features. And; respect to CS countries plane’s when flying abroad 🙂

To all the interviewed, thanks a lot for participating, and to you, the readers, now it is time for you to draw your own conclusions!

See you soon!

MoFA Team