[BE] Government News - Day 1464

Day 1,464, 12:25 Published in Belgium Belgium by eBelgian Presidency

Dear citizens,

The state of our country is fair. Most MU's cooperate closely with Belgium's interests. The BTA keeps receiving lots of donations and a 20% state income grant for its essential task: to nurture new players and help those in need. The BTA is now in the hands of Nohjis and Bert en Ernie. They're doing great, according to reports. The BCA now has a record 120 members happy with a skilful command!

A new, thoughtful project for a Constitution of Belgium was born. It shows the will of well-meaning Belgians to nurture long-term ties inside the Belgian community.

Constructive opposition in Congress brought up the thread on grants for raw materials companies again. Direct donations of raws are not possible, but their sale-donation over the market is possible. The extra raw materials produced by Belgians under the prospective plan will be welcome in any future supplies system for our defence.

We're helping our Estonian friends in their battles, with new energy! On the Macedonian battlefront, suddenly two wars erupted. Greece will decide on the timing of its attack from its only liberated region, and then Egypt will also launch an offensive. Update: we launched a proposal to mpp the USA.

In cabinet matters, the Defence Council is stopped, traditional MoD powers are with the CP.

eBelgium Government

Country President (MoD): Ward De Bever
Presidential advisor : Jofroi

Minister of Finance: Splashdog
Minister of Foreign Affairs: prophexy
Minister of Home Affairs: Olv007

Defence Advisors: Nohjis, Aldous Zamiatin and NLSP

Patriotic regards,

Ward De Bever
President of the Belgians